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29 Babies Saved so far in Downey, CA by 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigils

So far with a week still left to go the 40 Days for Life campaign this year has saved the lives of 371 babies – and that’s just the ones that we know of!

In Sacramento, California a baby was recently saved. Lifenews has more details:

When a couple came for an abortion, vigil participants gave them information about local pregnancy help centers as well as a “precious feet” pin to illustrate how big their baby is.

The couple was noncommittal. But later, the vigil participants learned that they got an ultrasound at a pro-life clinic and chose life!

“This story illustrates how we may not know the positive lifesaving outcome of an encounter at the sidewalk. For all the campaigns who feel like they may not have experienced ‘a save’, there are likely many babies, like this one, that we might not know about. Be encouraged!”

In Downey, California the 40 Days for Life campaign is thriving! So far the leader of the life vigils there (who is leading his first 40 Days for Life campaign) knows of twenty-nine babies saved from abortion.

The abortion facility in Downey has sixteen escorts working to prevent moms considering abortions from speaking to 40 Days for Life volunteers. The abortion facility wants to purposefully keep women in the dark by not allowing them to speak with the 40 Days for Life volunteers about their pregnancy care options. 

The leader of the 40 Days for Life campaign in Downey stated that he prays before work, after work, and all day Sunday (which is the day that the abortion facility in Downey performs abortions). He stated that he feels grateful and honored for the opportunity to make a life-saving difference for mothers and their children. 

[Editor’s Note]: Even though there is still just one week to go, it’s still not too late for you to get involved in your local 40 Days for Life vigil!



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