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Trump Administration Urges United Nations to Oppose Radical Pro-Abortion Policies

The Trump administration is once again standing up for human rights on the world stage – especially those of the unborn – by opposing radical pro-abortion policies at the United Nations.

The Guardian, a pro-abortion news outlet, reported on a leaked letter supposedly signed by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar in which the United States urged member countries of the United Nations to join the United States in opposing harmful, pro abortion policies.

Unsurprisingly, the Guardian criticized the letter (and the Trump administration) as an attack on women’s rights. However, the letter itself criticized countries for using vague language that surreptitiously encourages governments to promote abortion on demand.

“We remain gravely concerned that aggressive efforts to reinterpret international instruments to create a new international right to abortion and to promote international policies that weaken the family have advanced through some United Nations fora,” the letter stated.

The letter asked countries to join together with the United States to ensure that every nation can “determine the best way to protect the unborn and defend the family as the foundational unity of society vital to children thriving and leading healthy lives.”

Additionally, the letter expressed concerns about the overall diminished  role that parents now play in their children’s lives when it comes to topics like sex education. It pointed out that vague phrases like “sexual and reproductive health” could be used to push abortion on other countries.

Phrases like the one above have “been asserted to mean promotion of abortion, including pressuring countries to abandon religious principles and cultural norms enshrined in law that protect unborn life,” the letter stated.

The letter is just the latest in a series of steps taken by the Trump administration to protect the unborn both at home and abroad.

The Trump administration has actively campaigned for pro life policies in other countries. In January of 2017, President Trump reinstated the so-called “Mexico City Policy.” The policy was first implemented by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 and bans federal funds from being given to international organizations that perform abortions. Another significant step taken by the Trump administration occurred in 2018 when the State Department removed referencesto the so-called “right” to abort an unborn baby from a global human rights report.



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