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Andrew Cuomo Legalized Abortions Up to Birth in New York but Calls Declawing Cats “Cruel and Painful” 

Democratic Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo seems to be very passionate about reducing and eliminating instances of animal cruelty – and while this is indeed a laudable venture – Cuomo seems ironically unconcerned about reducing and eliminating abortions in the State of New York.

New York legalized late-term abortions in early January of this year after Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the atrocious bill into law following its passage by the New York legislature.

In addition to New York, seven states plus Washington, D.C. have legalized late-term abortion. Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, and now New York are the states that have now legalized the barbaric practice.

Months later, in July of this year Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law a bill banning the declawing of cats as inhumane, making New York the first state to implement such a ban. The recent law means that cats now have more protections in New York than preborn children.

According to Lifenews:

The New York State Veterinary Medical Society opposed the legislation, saying it supports owners’ and veterinarians’ right to choose whether to declaw a cat. It noted that some owners may choose to declaw a cat because of health problems, such as an impaired immune system or diabetes, according to the report.

“NYSVMS believes a veterinarian…should be permitted to make medical decisions after direct consultation with a client and a thorough examination of the patient and its home circumstances,” it said in a statement.

Protecting animals from unnecessary pain and abuse is noble, but many New York lawmakers are being discriminatory about which lives they choose to protect.

Just a few months ago, many of the same lawmakers voted to end basically all legal protections for unborn human babies in their state. And when Cuomo signed the pro-abortion bill into law, they celebrated.

The New York Reproductive Health Act goes beyond Roe v. Wade, allowing unborn babies to be aborted even when the U.S. Supreme Court has said states may restrict abortions. Late-term abortions, which once were illegal in New York, now are allowed, and non-doctors may perform abortions.

“Declawing is a cruel and painful procedure that can create physical and behavioral problems for helpless animals, and today it stops. By banning this archaic practice, we will ensure that animals are no longer subjected to these inhumane and unnecessary procedures,” Cuomo said in a statement.

No one is objecting to the idea of keeping cats from cruel and painful procedures, but the New York legislature and Governor Andrew Cuomo are discriminating against which lives they want to protect.

Former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino describes what happens during a late-term, Dilation-and-Extraction abortion: A dismemberment abortion, he explained, involves reaching into a woman’s uterus with forceps and “grabbing whatever is there. Maybe you rip off a leg, which is about four-inches long,” then you pull out “an arm, the spine. The skull is the most difficult part. Sometimes there’s a little face staring up at you.” He understandably called it “an absolutely brutal procedure, in which a living human being is torn to pieces.”

Apparently to the Governor, reducing the declawing of cats is more important than reducing the number of late term abortions. However, because of Governor Cuomo’s legislation legalizing late-term abortion, there are fathers who will never have the privilege of a first dance with their daughters. There are dads who will never get to teach their sons to spell words or swing a hammer. There are mothers who will never have the joy of hugging their sons, moms who will never have the joy of having tea or “dress up” with their girls. There are sons who will never get the chance to cuddle their brand new baby sister. There are daughters who will never get to teach their baby brother to ride a bike. There are grandparents who will never get to take their grandkids shopping . There are grandpas who will never get to teach their grandsons and granddaughters to catch a fish.

Sobering thoughts.



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