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CA Democrat Kamala Harris Wants to End the Hyde Amendment if Elected President

California Democratic United States Senator Kamala Harris reiterated her plan to push for on demand abortion if she is elected as the next President of the United States. In an op ed for the Concord Monitor last week, she wrote, “What we’re seeing across the country and in the White House makes it clearer than ever that we have to do more to protect women’s access to health care. That’s exactly what I will do when I’m president,” Harris said.

One of Harris’ top priorities if elected President is to end the Hyde Amendment. “I will … continue to fight so that all women have access to reproductive health care [abortion] regardless of how much money they make by continuing my career-long opposition to the Hyde Amendment,” Harris said.

The Hyde Amendment—the appropriations legislation first introduced in 1976 by Rep. Henry Hyde — bars federal funding for elective abortions through Medicaid. The amendment has saved over two million preborn children and celebrated its 40th anniversary on September 30, 2016. Prior to the enactment of Hyde, the Medicaid program paid for roughly 300,000 abortions annually.

The Democratic Party made repealing the Hyde Amendment a plank in their national platform in the 2016 presidential elections. Kamala Harris evidently plans to continue efforts to end the ban on federal funding of abortions through Medicaid, despite the fact that support for abortion in the United States is at an all time low.

Harris said:

I will fight back with a plan to block dangerous and deadly abortion restrictions before they take effect. Just as the Voting Rights Act required preclearance from the Department of Justice for any law that might infringe on people’s fundamental right to vote, my proposal will require, for the first time, that states and localities with a history of violating Roe v. Wade obtain approval from my Department of Justice before any abortion law or practice can take effect.

And I’m not going to stop there. I will also protect Planned Parenthood from Republican attempts to defund essential health services, nominate judges who respect Roe v. Wade and reverse the Trump administration’s illegal attempts to cut evidence-based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program grants.

“Dangerous and deadly abortion restrictions?” That’s some seriously twisted phraseology. Nothing could be more dangerous or deadly then the act of abortion, which itself ends an infants life. Yet, Harris is calling abortion restrictions dangerous and deadly.

Sadly, Harris is not alone in her radical, pro abortion sentiments. All of the notable 2020 Democratic presidential candidates also support late term abortions. However, multiple recent polls on the pro-life/abortion issue show the majority of the American public thinking otherwise. Democrats need to realize that promoting a radical pro abortion stance is going to do nothing but hurt their presidential campaigns and political careers.



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