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Government Funded University Mistakenly Requests Aborted Baby Parts from Pro Life Group

The Center for Medical Progress just released information revealing that a “government funded” university in California is seeking fresh, aborted baby parts – and is willing to do just about anything to get them.

Ironically, the University of California San Diego (UCSD) approached the Center for Medical Progress looking to buy aborted baby parts from them.

CMP wrote in a tweet, “Apparently the government-funded laboratories at @UCSanDiego are so greedy for “fresh” aborted baby body parts, they will try to buy them from ANYBODY — even without bothering to check who they are emailing. @HHSGov please STOP this now! #PPSellsBabyParts.”

The Center for Medical Progress included a series of screenshots and a link to a document showing an exchange of emails between what appears to be faculty at the University of California San Diego inquiring about fresh baby body parts. The email thread is over the course of April and May of 2019 and shows a request by Dr.Agnieszka DAntonio-Chronowska from a “genomics and genetics” lab at the UCSD contacting CMP for “human fetal pancreas” with “optimal age of donor” or baby “between 4-8 weeks embryonal development” or “any other available embryonal stage.”

According to her bio on the lab website, she is the “director of UC San Diego Institute for Genomic Medicine and founding chief of the Division of Genome Information Sciences in the Department of Pediatrics at UC San Diego.”

The specimens that D’ Antonio-Chronowska requests would be procured from babies ages four to eight weeks of embryonal development with a detectable heartbeat – as the video below shows.

The Center for Medical Progress responded with a very careful, factual email.

The correspondence eventually ended, but not before D’ Antonio-Chronowska also requested additional heart specimens.

Live Action News reports:

A search of overall HHS grants to UCSD for several years reveals a staggering amount of tax dollars being funneled to the University.

Image: University of California San Diego HHS grants various years

“Even as the Department of Health and Human Services continues an agency-wide audit of fetal experimentation and the U.S. Department of Justice investigates the sale of aborted fetal tissue at Planned Parenthood and their business partners, government-funded researchers do not seem to have curtailed their appetite for aborted baby body parts one bit,” the Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden told Life Site News.

“It is far past time for HHS to end the barbaric practice of taxpayer-funded fetal experimentation, and for the Department of Justice to do their job and hold Planned Parenthood and other baby body parts traffickers accountable to the law,” Daleiden said.



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