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Democrats Block Bill to Ban Infanticide for the 37th Time

Nancy Pelosi and other House Democrats are continuing to block
the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, a bill that would stop infanticide for babies born alive following a botched abortion. The House Democrats are again refusing to allow a vote on the bill, making this the 35th time that they have blocked the bill.

It is the 37th time in total that Democrats have blocked a bill like this – thirty-five times in the House, and twice in the Senate.

Lifenews reports:

Rep. Robert Aderholt, an Alabama Republican, offered the unanimous consent request to allow a vote on the anti-infanticide bill but Democrats, as shown below, ruled it out of order. As they have done numerous times, after Democrats denied his request to vote on the bill, they cut off Congressman Aderholt’s microphone so he could not object to their denying a vote.

Earlier this month, Republican Whip Steve Scalise and Representative Ann Wagner moved forward with a discharge petition to force Speaker Pelosi to schedule a vote. That’s a petition any member of Congress can sign to allow legislation to move out of committee and to the House floor when the party controlling Congress refuses to allow a vote on it.

The petition has received 199 signatures so far, including signatures from three Democrats, but that number is just shy of the amount of signatures needed for the vote to move forward despite the Democratic opposition.

Representative Cathy McMorris Rogers (R-WA) explained more about the petition in an interview with the Daily Signal on March 1, 2019:

In the House, we are moving forward with a discharge petition. As you know, the Democrats have the majority in the House. One way that we can bring a bill to the floor is to demand a discharge petition.

You have to get 218 people to sign a discharge petition, and then you can bypass Speaker Nancy Pelosi and bring the bill directly to the floor. We’re working actively on that right now.

In the House, we are moving forward with a discharge petition. As you know, the Democrats have the majority in the House. One way that we can bring a bill to the floor is to demand a discharge petition.
You have to get 218 people to sign a discharge petition, and then you can bypass Speaker Nancy Pelosi and bring the bill directly to the floor. We’re working actively on that right now.

Every single Senator currently running for President in the 2020 elections voted against the bill that would stop infanticide. On the other hand, President Trump spoke out vehemently against the Democrats for this action, saying on Twitter in February that “They don’t mind executing babies after birth.”



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