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Planned Parenthood CEO: Infanticide “Doesn’t Exist”

Planned Parenthood’s 2018 annual report details that they aborted 332,757 babies last year. In 2018, Planned Parenthood aborted more babies than it did in any five previous years and the abortion giant is now responsible for the deaths of roughly 8 million human lives.

Despite these facts taken from their very own latest annual report, Leana Wen, CEO of Planned Parenthood yesterday made the ridiculous claim that infanticide “doesn’t exist.”

Given the above statistics, the CEO of Planned Parenthood’s tweet is entirely incorrect.

Even further, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports data that shows the number of born alive abortion survivors that are killed in the United States. According to Congressional testimony:

Data that the CDC collects also confirms babies are born alive after attempted abortions.  Between the years 2003 and 2014 there were somewhere between 376 and 588 infant deaths under the medical code P96.4 which keeps track of babies born alive after a “termination of pregnancy.”

The CDC concluded that of the 588 babies, 143 were “definitively” born alive after an attempted abortion and they lived from minutes to one or more days, with 48% of the babies living between one to four hours.  It also admitted that it’s possible the number is an underestimate (B).

We know it is an underestimate because these are just reported numbers from hospitals, not abortion facilities.  Gosnell is only one abortionist who was responsible for “hundreds of snippings” of born-alive babies, yet he did not report even one.  His numbers alone exceed the “definitive” numbers of the CDC.

Leana Wen’s statement could not be further from the truth. Infanticide does exist and her organization is responsible for the majority of abortions that occur in the United States.



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