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VP Pence: This Generation Will Restore the Right to Life in America

Vice President Mike Pence made a last minute visit to the March for Life this year with his wife Karen. The Pences showed up on stage together, and Mike Pence introduced the both of them by saying, “We’re the Pences, and we’re pro-life.”

“We’ve got a record of extraordinary progress on the right to life,” Pence said. “This will be the generation that restores the right to life in America.”

Pence said the pro-life movement is defined by love and compassion and specifically thanked pro-life pregnancy centers for the important roles that they play in encouraging and assisting pregnant women to keep their babies. Pence also thanked families who are willing to adopt, and praised pro-life politicians who sponsor pro-life legislation.

“Because of all of you gathered here, all those you represent and all those who’ve gone before, we know in our heart of hearts that life is winning in America once again,” Pence said.

Pence is the 50th Governor of Indiana serving from 2013-2017. Prior to that he served in the House of Representatives. Vice President Mike Pence also spoke at the 2018 March for Life.

Vice President Pence also talked with Ben Shapiro, popular conservative apologist who hosted his talk show on the stage of the 2019 March for Life.

“To think 46 years ago this month, a majority of the Supreme Court of the United States turned its back on the unalienable right to life,” Pence told Shapiro. “And here, nearly a half century later, generations of Americans have come together to say no, we are going to put the sanctity of life back at the center of American law, and I believe in our lifetime we will abolish abortion.”

The Vice President’s wife also spoke at the March thanking pro-lifers, especially women who chose to save their babies and carry them to term.



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