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Vetoed Bill to Mandate CA Colleges Provide Chemical Abortions is Back: Newsom Promises to Sign

Senator Connie Leyva has reintroduced a bill to mandate California public university health centers offer students chemical abortions as a “basic health service.” Former Governor Jerry Brown vetoed the bill, SB 320, last year saying the legislation wasn’t necessary. But the state’s new governor has promised his support.

“I would have supported that. I have long supported that,” Governor Gavin Newsom told the San Francisco Chronicle last October when asked his thoughts on Brown’s veto. “I subscribe to Planned Parenthood and NARAL’s position on that.”

Brown has a long pro-abortion record and he didn’t veto SB 320 because he suddenly had a change of heart. Brown’s reasoning was pragmatic. In his veto message, Brown pointed out that the average distance of abortion providers from university campuses averaged between five and seven miles, “not an unreasonable distance,” Brown wrote.  “Because the services required by this bill are widely available off-campus, this bill is not necessary.”

Chemical abortions are used to kill an unborn child up to 10 weeks old. According to former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino, non-surgical medical abortion involves two drugs: Mifepristone/RU-486, which ends the life of the unborn child, and Misoprostol which causes severe cramping, contractions, and bleeding to expel the baby from the womb. The process can last between a few hours to a couple days as he explains on a YouTube video viewed over 1 million times. Watch below.



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