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Planned Parenthood Killed 332,757 Babies Last Fiscal Year

Planned Parenthood has released its 2018 annual report. The report details that Planned Parenthood aborted 332,757 babies and raked in $1.66 billion in revenue last year. That figure is a jump up from their 2017 revenue. In 2017, the abortion giant brought in $1.4 billion. Nearly $250 million of that astronomically huge number was all profit.

In 2018, Planned Parenthood aborted more babies than it did in any five previous years. According to its most recent annual report, it aborted 332,757 babies in 2018. In 2017, Planned Parenthood performed 321,384 abortions. That means that in 2018 Planned Parenthood performed 11,373 more abortions than it performed in 2017.

$563 million of the revenue that Planned Parenthood brought in, in 2018 was taxpayer funded.

“The big business of abortion is evident in this report, as Planned Parenthood turned a profit of nearly $250 million, a 150 percent increase, according to its own accounts,” said Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. “What a waste of taxpayer dollars.”

“While Planned Parenthood pushes talking points about healthcare, the fact remains that Planned Parenthood is the nation’s number one abortion vendor, profiting by violently ending life,” Hawkins said. “But pregnancy is not a disease cured by abortion. Women deserve real, life-affirming care, and taxpayers deserve a return on their investment that helps women and their children, born and preborn.”

Unsurprisingly, although Planned Parenthood’s dollar revenue was a record high, the actual health services that they offered women were down from the previous year. The other health services that they offer such as contraception, sterilizations, cancer screenings, and adoption referrals that they provided women were in decline from last year.

National Review reports:

Planned Parenthood’s provision of contraception decreased by 80,000, cancer screenings by 45,000, and other “women’s health services” such as well-woman exams and prenatal services decreased by 13,000. The only category of services that significantly increased, other than abortion procedures, was tests and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, which went up by 300,000. …

As in years past, Planned Parenthood’s annual report claims that abortion is a mere 3.4 percent of the organization’s “medical services” for last fiscal year. This is a convenient fiction that Planned Parenthood and its defenders have long used to obscure the fact that the group is, by far, the most prolific abortion provider in the country.

Planned Parenthood’s adoption referrals dropped by more than twenty-five percent last year. The abortion giant only did one adoption referral for every 117 abortions that they performed last year.

Planned Parenthood’s numbers illustrate that all they care about is money, at the expense of human life. They are now responsible for the deaths of roughly 8 million human lives.



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