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New York is 8th State to Legalize Late-Term Abortion

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has justifiably come under intense fire for recently signing an atrocious bill into law that legalizes late-term abortion. Sadly however, New York is not the first state to legalize late-term abortion.

In addition to New York, seven states plus Washington, D.C. have legalized late-term abortion. Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, and now New York are the states that have now legalized the barbaric practice.

However, as far back as November of 2016, a poll reveals that women, minorities, and millennials strongly oppose late term abortion.

Many Americans do not support abortion after 20 weeks when scientific studies have demonstrated that the fetus can feel pain.  According to an article published on, Dr. Steven Zielinski first published reports demonstrating this in the 1980s, and testified before Congress that a fetus could feel pain, “at eight-and-a-half weeks and possibly earlier”, and also that an unborn child, “under the right circumstances, is capable of crying.”

Only seven countries allow wholesale abortions after the 20 week period, among them China and North Korea. The United States should not be among that number. Twenty states have passed laws restricting abortions after 18-20 weeks.

Sixteen states including Ohio, Texas, Nebraska, Idaho, Oklahoma, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia, Wisconsin, South Carolina, Kentucky and Kansas currently have legislation enacted banning abortion after 20 weeks. Kentucky is the most recent to pass legislation prohibiting abortions after twenty weeks.

It is more than past time for the United States to recognize and protect the sanctity of human life in all of its stages.



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