Despite Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s repeated claims that Twitter does not censor conservatives, the online media giant has yet again censored leading pro life group Live Action’s content. This time, Twitter has blocked the pro life group from advertising videos with ultrasound videos of reborn babies.
Live Action’s President, Lila Rose writes:
In emails to us, the company has said that our content violated its sensitive advertising content policy, which prohibits “inflammatory or provocative content which is likely to evoke a strong negative reaction.”
Some examples of this supposedly offensive content include pictures of children developing in the womb and even simple ultrasound images of babies — like the ones that expectant parents hang on their refrigerator doors.
Twitter’s actions suggest it’s OK for Planned Parenthood to tweet that a woman has a right to an abortion, but when I tweet and try to promote that a baby has a right to life, Twitter considers that inflammatory.
.@Jack says @Twitter does not ban content based on "viewpoint or ideology."
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) September 5, 2018
He's wrong.
My account and @LiveAction's account have been banned from advertising for years. Because we’re pro-life.
Twitter told us our videos, tweets, and even our website content is "inflammatory.
Twitter has clearly sided with other organizations such as Planned Parenthood, because Planned Parenthood is allowed to advertise and promote their pro-abortion content. Despite Jack Dorsey’s claims that they do not engage in viewpoint censorship, Live Action has been prohibited from advertising and promoting their pro life tweets and videos.
For years, @Twitter has actively suppressed pro-life voices:
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) July 26, 2018
It BLOCKED me and @LiveAction from advertising
It told us to delete tweets
It told us to delete portions of our website
It told us what we could and COULD NOT discuss
Fyi, Planned Parenthood is allowed to advertise.
Twitter is actively engaging in censorship against pro life organizations and Twitter is a first-hand example of what is taking place. Live Action’s media is literally life-changing and organizations like Twitter are doing all they can to stop that pro life message from getting out – even if that means censorship of pro life content. Live Action recently launched a new video series called Abortion Procedures. The videos are factual, animated videos depicting what happens when an abortion takes place. These videos have already been viewed over 100 million times and already saved the lives of at least 13 reborn children.
The only logical conclusion to draw is that Twitter is afraid of the pro life message getting out, changing hearts, and saving lives.