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Half of US Doesn’t Report Abortion Pill Complications, What We Know Shows it’s Dangerous

Proponents of the abortion pill RU 486 often tout it as a harmless procedure. Recently, Ann Furedi, Chief Executive of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service tried to argue in an article for Spiked Magazine that abortion pills are “safe and simple,” while simultaneously arguing that these drugs be available over the counter. Indeed, Planned Parenthood, has referred to what happens when a woman takes RU 486 in the casual terms of “it stops your pregnancy from happening.” Right. This is coming from the same organization which claims and would like for you to believe that an abortion is a”routine medical procedure.” The most accurate statement from Planned Parenthood says that the drug “causes cramping and bleeding that empties your uterus.”

A Live Action video featuring Dr. Levatino details what really happens during this type of abortion:

At the abortion clinic or doctor’s office, the woman takes pills which contain mifepristone, also called RU 486. RU 486 blocks the action of a hormone called progesterone. When RU 486 blocks progesterone the lining of the mother’s uterus breaks down, cutting off blood and nourishment to the baby, who then dies inside the mother’s womb. Twenty-four to forty-eight hours after taking RU 486, the woman take misoprostol… that is administered either orally or vaginally. RU 486 and misoprostol together cause severe cramping, contractions, and often h

Heavy bleeding to force the dead baby out of the mother’s uterus. The process can be very intense and painful, and the bleeding and contractions can last from a few hours to several days. While she could lose her baby anytime and anywhere during this process, the woman will often sit on a toilet as she prepares to expel the child, which she will then flush.

Lifenews reports:

It was only this year that the Food and Drug Administration updated their guidance to reveal the disturbing fact that 22 American women have been killed by abortion pills. The official website stated: “As of December 2017, there were reports of 22 deaths of women associated with Mifeprex since the product was approved in September 2000, including two cases of ectopic pregnancy resulting in death; and several cases of severe systemic infection (also called sepsis), including some that were fatal.”

Live Action News noted that the number of complications and fatalities is likely much higher than that due to the fact that only about half of the states are required to report complications resulting from RU 486.

Reporting abortion complications is something people don’t often think about — and therefore, when the public hears from the abortion industry claiming medication abortion is “safe,” they may not even question: “Who’s doing the studies that claim this kind of abortion is safe? Who’s funding those studies?” and “Who’s reporting complications when things go wrong?” According to Planned Parenthood’s former research arm, the Guttmacher Institute, as of July 1, 2018, only 27 states require reporting of abortion complications — from anytype of abortion. So who’s keeping track?

That’s the problem. Some states keep track, some don’t. Some abortion providers report, some don’t. And women (and their children) are ultimately the ones paying for it.

Thankfully, there is a way for women who have taken the abortion pill to reverse the affects of the through the Abortion Pill Reversal process.  Since 2007, over 300 women have stopped their abortion from working by means of the abortion pill reversal.



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