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Get Involved: Upcoming Pro Life Opportunities You Don’t Want to Miss

[Editor’s Note]: Marking the start of a new year, January is a busy month for all of us! Coming up towards the end of this month in January there are several amazing pro life events and opportunities that California Family Council is very excited to share with you. Be sure to pay close attention to CFC on social media so that you don’t miss out on great content!

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2018 Sanctity of Human Life Events

  • OneLife LA in Los Angeles, CA – January 20, 2018
    • Join thousands of people on January 20, 2018 pursuing our call to greatness by celebrating, protecting, and embracing the beauty and dignity of all human life. In addition to a speaker lineup, OneLife LA will be featuring live music, food, and more. Naturally, this is a family-friendly event so don’t miss it!
  • Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco, CA – January 27, 2018
    • The mission of the Walk for Life West Coast is to change the perceptions of a society that thinks abortion is an answer. Abortion does violence to women and to their children, both physically and emotionally. We deserve better than abortion. The goal of the Walk for Life West Coast is to to be a vocal and visual message that people of the West Coast stand for life. To reach out to women harmed by abortion. To inform society of the damage done to women by abortion.
  • Students for Life Conference West Coast – San Francisco, CA – January 28, 2018
    • Students for Life National Conference West Coast is a jam-packed day full of seminars and talks on what it will take to win the battle against abortion, apologetics, how to lessen the demand for abortion, and difficult topics such as how to deal with an unplanned pregnancy on campus. Speakers and presenters will include Abby Johnson with And Then There Were None, Kristan Hawkins with Students for Life, Casey Mattox with Alliance Defending Freedom, and David Beriet – former CEO of 40 Days for Life.
  • Evangelicals for Life in Washington, D.C. – January 18-20, 2018
    • If you’re planning to participate in this year’s March for Life, I want to encourage you to think about making plans to attend the Evangelicals for Life conference. The conference is packed full of sessions designed to help church leaders and their members be as involved in as many aspects of the pro life movement as possible.
  • ProLifeCon 2017 – January 19, 2018 
  • On January 19, 2018, pro-life digital activists will gather at Family Research Council headquarters for the Pro-LifeCon Digital Action Summit, the premier conference for the digital prolife community. At our 13th annual event, we will be joined by friends old and new as we discuss the most successful online strategies of the past year and look ahead to the opportunities before us under a new administration. Activists, policy experts, and legislators will be on hand to discuss the issues impacting the pro-life movement, and share practical ways to make a difference for life on blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and your online platform of choice. Speakers will include:
      1. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.)
      2. Ryan Bomberger, Founder, The Radiance Foundation
      3. David Daleiden, Founder, Center for Medical Progress
      4. Lyndsey Fifield, Social Media Manager, The Heritage Foundation
      5. Anna Hoduski, Campaign Speaker & Runner, Project If Life
      6. Leah Jacobson, Founder, The Guiding Star Project
      7. Abby Johnson, CEO and Founder, And Then There Were None
      8. Brynne Krispin, Social Media Manager, Family Research Council
      9. Andrew Moore, Digital and Creative Director, SBA List
      10. Sarah Perry, Coalition Coordinator, FRC Action
      11. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.)
      12. Lila Rose, President, Live Action
      13. David Scotton, Producer, I Lived on Parker Avenue
      14. Missy Stone, Spokesperson, Students for Life America

This event will also be broadcast live via webcast.

  • March for Life in Washington, D.C. – January 19, 2018
    • Each year, the March for Life takes place in our Nation’s Capitol. The March for Life Rally will take place at noon on the National Mall. The March for Life Rally will take place at noon at 12th St. on the National Mall, in between Madison Drive and Jefferson Drive. Following the Rally, the March will begin on Constitution Avenue between 12th and 14th Streets at approximately 1:00 pm.
  • Students for Life Conference East Coast – Upper Marlboro, MD – January 20, 2018
    • The Students for Life National Conference East Coast is basically an event mirroring the West Coast Conference, but strategically occurring the day after the March for Life to enable people who are in town for the March for Life to attend this event easily as well. The lineup of speakers and workshops is essentially the same as the West Coast Conference. I had the opportunity to attend this event last year and it is well worth it. If you have never been you will be absolutely amazed at the number of young pro-lifers in attendance.


Double your support of CFC’s work to defend Life, Family, & Liberty by giving before December 31!