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YouTube Censors Pro-Life Results in Search Bar

YouTube is again censoring pro life content. The world’s largest video streaming site downgraded pro life videos returned in search results after a pro-abortion writer complained at the lack of pro-abortion content.

April Glaser, writer at Slate and herself an abortion activist wrote a piece criticizing the tech giant upon the discovery that when she typed the word “abortion” in YouTube’s search bar, the majority of videos returned by the search were actually pro-life videos criticizing abortion.

Glaser wrote that the videos were a “horrifying mix of gore and dangerous misinformation.”

Lifenews reported that:

Soon afterward, YouTube responded by pushing pro-life videos down lower on the search results and pro-abortion videos up to the top. The downgraded videos included a former abortionist testifying to Congress about the gruesome, violent ways in which unborn babies are aborted, Live Action’s abortion procedure videos, a video of conservative speaker/writer Ben Shapiro defending the pro-life position, and another of a woman speaking about how deeply she regretted aborting her unborn baby, according to The Daily Wire.

Glaser later bragged on Twitter about getting YouTube to change the search results.

Glaser wrote for Slate:

When you Google “abortion,” the top results are relatively staid considering the divisiveness of the topic in American life. 

If, until recently, you did the same over on Google-owned YouTube, it felt like you were searching in a whole other universe. Before I raised the issue with YouTube late last week, the top search results for “abortion” on the site were almost all anti-abortion …

Several of the top results featured a doctor named Antony Levatino, including one in which he testified to the House Judiciary Committee that Planned Parenthood was aborting fetuses “the length of your hand plus several inches” in addition to several misleading animations that showed a fetus that looks like a sentient child in the uterus. 

Censorship of conservative content is becoming an increasing problem. It has become so serious that Republicans are calling for an investigation into Google over their anti-conservative bias. Facebook and Twitter have also been vocally criticized multiple times for censoring pro-life content. YouTube has previously come under fire for censoring conservative content.



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