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Pro Life Group Launches Initiative For Children Saved from Abortion to Write Thank You Letters to the President

A pro life group based in Boise, Idaho has launched a unique, new initiative encouraging children who were saved from abortion to write letters to President Donald Trump thanking him for his efforts to support pro-life policies. Stanton Healthcare is a pro life pregnancy center that exists to share with women the options that an organization like Planned Parenthood would not make known to them. 

Stanton Healthcare has pro-life affiliates located across the country offering compassionate, quality medical care and support especially to women encountering unplanned pregnancies. 

On their website, Stanton Healthcare states about the campaign: 

The abortion issue in America has been viewed through the lens of contentious partisan political arguments, heated and noisy protests and shouting matches in the media.  

Missing from all of this emotional activity are the voices of the most important element of the abortion conversation:

The scores of children who have been saved from abortion through the loving and compassionate care of life-affirming women’s medical clinics and pregnancy resource centers. 

These children, who are living rich and full lives, deserve a platform for their stories to be heard and seen.  They need to make it clear that abortion is not just a political issue but is a human rights issue that impacts real lives, people and families. #ThankUMrPresident will give them an opportunity to do just that. 

During the 2019 March for Life and Roe v. Wade Memorial in Washington, D.C., Stanton Healthcare is bringing young children to our nation’s capital whose lives have been saved from abortion.  They will be not coming alone, however.  

They will be bringing thank you letters and cards to President Trump from children all across America thanking our President for his courageous stand for life and working to end abortion.

Imagine the power and emotion of seeing these precious young children shaking the President’s hand and presenting him with these cards and letters.  Suddenly, abortion is no longer a political issue but an issue involving real children and their futures.  

We believe these precious children will remind our nation what is really at stake through abortion and offer a positive way forward toward ending abortion and offering hope and healing.

If you would like to get involved in this exciting initiative you get involved through the following steps:

  • Have children write a letter or card to President Trump thanking him for his pro-life stand and his work to end abortion.  Submit letters online or mail to: Stanton Healthcare, 3684 N Harbor Lane, Boise, ID 83703
  • The children DO NOT have to be only children saved from abortion.
  • Contact local pregnancy resource centers and ask them to send letters and cards to us.
  • Work with local Christian schools, Sunday School classes and youth groups to send us letters.

The deadline to mail the letters is January 10 and to submit online is January 15. 




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