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Memorial Event being held Today for Courageous Life Advocate, Holly O’Donnell

Holly O’Donnell, a former procurement technician with StemExpress, LLC, who played a key role in exposing Planned Parenthood’s undercover sale of aborted baby parts passed away. (Watch a video regarding her efforts) Tragically, Holly was battling several severe medical issues which ultimately led to her passing.

Holly O’Donnell was born December 23, 1990 and passed away September 30th of this year. The Center for Medical Progress posted a loving memory post the next day. The post read in part:                                                               

An extraordinary friend and unforgettable companion, Holly O’Donnell was also in many ways an ordinary millennial young woman—who through no fault of her own found herself caught in the unimaginable circumstances of working as a procurement technician for StemExpress, harvesting baby body parts from abortions inside Planned Parenthood. Holly said it was “blood money”, and ultimately quit her job in disgust with how callously she saw StemExpress and Planned Parenthood treating unborn children, their mothers, and their families in the companies’ greed to make money off of aborted baby body parts….

In an age of fear, stifled speech, and equivocal witnesses, Holly O’Donnell never backed down from her testimony of what she saw at StemExpress and Planned Parenthood….

We love you Holly, we miss you, we will see you again someday. Thank you. 

Holly passed away at the young age of 27. Despite her short lifetime, her memory will live on forever, especially by those whose lives she courageously spoke out on behalf of. 

This Thursday, December 20, 2018, a memorial event is being held by Pro-Life San Francisco for Holly. The memorial will take place at the Sterling Hotel Sacramento and begins at 6pm. All who are inspired by the courageous life that Holly lived are welcome to attend. Click here for more info on the event.



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