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Disgusting Abortion Ad Depicts Adorable Baby as Worthless Commodity

Planned Parenthood has released a horrifyingly tragic video of a beautiful baby girl and are using the video to advocate for abortion on demand.

The promo video is forty seconds long and was created by the Agenda Project (an abortion advocacy group) for Planned Parenthood. You can guess the video is offensive given that this is the same media group that created the infamous 2011 commercial depicting Paul Ryan pushing grandmas in wheelchairs off of a cliff. 

The video is titled “The Chosen,” and shows a baby cooing softly and smiling at the camera while a lullaby plays softly in the background.

“She deserves to be loved,” the video proclaims, then switches between views of the adorable baby girl while continuing, “She deserves to be wanted. She deserves to be a choice.” The video ends with a “StandwithPP” hashtag flashed on the screen.

The video is tragic in that it portrays the baby as a worthless commodity if she is unwanted or unloved. It implies that if the parents of a child are surprised with a pregnancy that they are left without a choice, somehow that makes the baby less human, or less valuable. This is simply not true. All human beings are created on equal footing because they are created in the image of God. 

Matt Walsh at The Daily Wire pointed out that the ad is more honest than many others like it:

It shows us not a “clump of cells” but a baby. It calls the baby “she,” not “it” or “that thing.” It seems almost to go out of its way to highlight the beauty and lovability of the child. It presents human life — wondrous, miraculous life — and says, “Yes, it is good to kill this person.”

This is what every pro-abortion ad says, and what ever pro-abortion person believes, even if they will not be so forthright about it. We should give the Agenda Project credit for being open and honest about what they believe and support. Then we should condemn them for believing and supporting something so deranged and cruel. And we should shudder in horror when we realize that many millions of Americans agree with them.

 Walsh is right, but the ad is extremely offensive and tone deaf. Two recent surveys, one conducted by Gallup, and the other by Lifeway Research reveals that the majority of Americans do not agree with abortion. 

Live Action News points out:

It’s beyond twisted to justify the option of killing children because every child should be wanted. That’s not love; it’s a form of narcissism that defines a person’s value solely by the pleasure others derive from him or her. It’s also a poisonous lie, because as Klassen says, the little sweetheart in the video is “not a ‘choice,’ she’s a child.”

Thinking such a despicable message will resonate with the American people is extremely out of touch. 



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