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Christians Celebrate Freedom from LGBT Identities in LA March

California Family Council staff members were privileged to join and support former members of the LGBTQ community in downtown Los Angeles several weeks go. A group of them formed an organization called “Freedom March”  to help spread a message California’s main stream culture would rather ignore.

Surrounded by towering skyscrapers, dozens of former lesbians, transexuals, and homosexuals spent several hours enthusiastically sharing their stories of transformation, from anguish to joy, after encountering a God that loved them despite their desperate state. Once the testimonies and singing were done, over 100 former LGBT individuals and their supporters marched through the streets of downtown Los Angeles holding banners and singing songs of praise to God.

Despite the controversial message, onlookers listened and watched with curiosity. Police cars accompanied the marchers block after block, but their presence wasn’t really necessary. The event had only one protestor, who walked off after a few minutes of yelling.  

California Family Council President Jonathan Keller was on hand to interview some of those involved. “We are celebrating the freedom Jesus Christ can bring from anything, any sin. It doesn’t matter what it is,” explained Freedom March leader Jeffrey McCall, a former transexual. McCall recalled receiving psychological counseling that pushed him toward a sex change operation, but it didn’t help.

“The further I was trying to change myself into becoming a woman, the further I went into this darkness and depression, because I was trying to become something I wasn’t,” McCall said. “I had an radical encounter with God… . He has restored by life; given me faith and hope. … My whole life is completely different.” Listen to McCall’s entire interview below: 

Keller also interviewed Freedom March co-founder Edward Byrd. See his interview below: 

For those who want to listen to all the stories of transformation, watch and listen to the entire event below. 



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