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Leanna Wen Follows in Footsteps of Her Predecessor Cecile Richards

The new Planned Parenthood president Leanna Wen as definitely just as radical as her predecessor Cecile Richards. Leanna Wen is just as vocal in her calls for pushing her abortion agenda on others. Cecile Richards was known for her embarassingly bad talking points abourt abortion – which quite frequently backfired

Not much has changed with Planned Parenthood’s agenda with Leanna Wen now in charge. If anything, the abortion corporation will only become more radical. 

The most recent example of Planned Parenthood’s new president spewing her agenda are comments she made on Twitter yesterday referring to abortion as a “basic fundamental human right.” Wen stated that, “The idea that health is a basic fundamental human right is the concept and value that I’ve held my entire life. At @PPFA, I will continue to vigorously defend that right to healthcare for all.”

Of course, by health, Wen means abortions. Planned Parenthood attempted to quietly release their latest annual report over the New Year’s holiday weekend in an atempt to escape the inevitable backlash from the huge number of abortions revealed in the report.  Lila Rose, President of Live Action said that, “Planned Parenthood committed over 321,000 abortions last year yet provided only 12,000 prenatal services and adoption referrals. Planned Parenthood continues to hold its number one spot as the nation’s largest abortion chain.”

This also isn’t the first time Wen has called abortion a basic fundamental human right. In an interview with Glamour magazine in September, Wen stated:

“Imagine if we said that we should poll people about whether vasectomies should be legal, and then we restricted access to vasectomies,” Dr. Wen says. “Or if the government imposed a gag rule, saying that doctors should follow a specific script in telling people about diabetes and insulin. It would never happen. It’s ludicrous to even think about. That’s why it’s so important for us to emphasize that reproductive health care is health care, that women’s health care is health care and that health care has to be a fundamental human right.”

Like Cecile Richards, Leanna Wen’s tweets quickly blew back up in her face. However it’s unsurprising, given the fact that as soon as Wen was announced as the new Planned Parenthood president she imediately began using the story of witnessing a botched abortion to push for more abortions to be done. 



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