The California Family Council sent out a press release recently critical of new state-approved curriculum that reads like campaign copy written by the Gavin Newsom governor campaign. The first grade lesson lionizes Newsom as the “Champion of People’s Rights,” for his same-sex marriage activism. The teacher’s manual encourages educators to “discuss how Gavin Newsom wanted to help all people.”
The Elk Grove School District, who is piloting the new curriculum, and the publisher are now defending their portrayal of the political candidate.
“The information in the book is factual; it is historically factual,” Xanthi Pinkerton, spokesperson for the Elk Grove Unified School District, told Fox 40 News in Sacramento. “A lot of work that’s gone into these particular social science materials, that look at all of the groups, ethnic groups, cultural groups, that had previously been underrepresented and now they’re being represented.”
Pearson, the publisher of “My World” First Grade History-Social Science curriculum, defended their curriculum as well. The following quote was given to Fox 40 News.

You be the judge. Do you agree that Pearson is teaching about Gavin Newsom in an unbiased and balanced manner? Why didn’t the textbook mention Newsom broke the law when he gave marriage licenses to 4,036 couples back in 2004? Why didn’t the textbook mention that Californians voted twice to define marriage as between a man and a woman, but Newsom’s definition of marriage was forced on the state and the nation by the courts? Newsom even told opponents after one court decision that same-sex marriage was going to happen “whether you like it or not.” These facts were omitted to make Newsom look like a hero to everyone, when he is clearly not.
The media is now taking notice of this issue. The Sacramento Bee, CBS News, and Fox News have published stories. Citizens need to object strongly to history being taught in such a manner. This same curriculum is being piloted around the state to fulfill the FAIR Education Act requirements, but parents and local school districts have the final say.
To see the new curriculum being considered by the Elk Grove Unified School District you can attend one of the viewing days listed on their website. You can also contact Elk Grove School Board members and let them know what you think.