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Governor Brown: Only He Can Stop These Harmful Bills Now

Liberal legislators have succeeded in getting severalĀ bills onto Governor Jerry Brown’s desk that distance California’s culture even further away from biblical values. Despite the success of the California Family Council, and dozens of allied organizations and churches, getting Assemblymember Evan Low to pull AB 2943 from consideration, other horrific bills made it through.Ā 

One bill forces our state universities into the abortion business; another guarantees sex change operations and puberty blocking drugs for gender confused foster kids; while others further push the teaching of LBGT views on gender and sexuality into all our public schools, both traditional and charter.

Below is a summary of the remaining bills the California Family Council and its allies are fighting against in Sacramento. Don’t succumb to the temptation to think our efforts are hopeless. First of all, nothing is ever hopeless. That is exactly the way these liberal legislators want you to feel. If that was the attitude we had towards AB 2943, the bill to ban counseling for those with unwanted same-sex attraction and gender confusion, that bill would also be on the governor’s desk. But God used us all to do a miracle. 

We have been taught all our lives that all things are possible with God, so lets start believing it. We must resolve to stand, and struggle for the beauty of biblical values in our culture no matter what happens. Then and only then will we begin to see things change. 

Governor Brown has until September 30 to make a decision about these bills, but he can approve them any day. So CALL TODAY!!

Please call Governor Brown’s office today at (916) 445-2841 or email him to OPPOSE the bills listed below:

AB 2119: Gives gender confused foster kids the right to publicly funded puberty blocking drugs/sex change operations

Assemblyman Todd Gloria (D-San Diego) introduced AB 2119, a bill that guarantees gender confused foster kids have access to dangerous puberty blocking drugs, cross sex hormones, sex change operations, and counseling that affirms their gender confusion. The bill labels these treatment as ā€œgender affirming care.ā€ But according to hormone expert Dr. Michael Laidlaw, these unproven treatments will “harm foster children.”

Watch the testimony Dr. Laidlaw gave before the Senate Judiciary Committee last month explaining the stark reality of what is meant by “gender affirming care.”

SB 320: Mandates California public universities get into the abortion business

Senator Connie Leyva (D-Ontario) has been trying to pass her abortion bill, SB 320, for the past two years. This bill mandates that all health centers within Californiaā€™s UC and CSU universities provide students with abortion inducing drugs that can be used up to the 10th week of pregnancy, says HMHB. This bill would not only cause harm to vulnerable children and young women, but force taxpayers and student to support these abortions with higher student fees and tuition rates.Ā 

AB 2601: LGBT-promoting sex education will now be forced on state charter schools

Several years go state politicians decided it would no longer give school districts the flexibility to use community values to determine their own sex education curriculum. Instead, legislators dictated their own version of “comprehensive sex-ed” statewide called the California Healthy Youth Act. Passed in 2015, this law applied to all public schools, grades 7th through 12th, with one exception: charter schools. Under AB 2601, charter schools will no longer be exempt from the act.

If passed, charter schools will have to update their sex education curriculum to “affirmatively recognize that people have different sexual orientations and, when discussing or providing examples of relationships and couples, shall be inclusive of same-sex relationships.” The curriculum must also teach “pupils about gender, gender expression, gender identity… .”

The implementation of this new law has already caused parental outrage in several parts of the state, as educators have used the changes in the law to add curriculum parents believe sexualizes their children and encourages them to experiment with various forms of immoral sexual behavior.  See this story from the San Diego Unified School District, and another from the Fremont Unified School District.

AB 2153 Required LGBTQ Training for Public School Teachers

This bill would require all public school teachers, including teachers in charter schools, to go through yearly LGBTQ sensitivity training so they  support and affirm students identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning. The training is also to encourage teachers to refer LGBT identifying students to school site (i.e. peer support or affinity clubs) and community resources (LBGTQ organizations and counselors) that will affirm and encourage students to embrace their LGBTQ identities.

No teacher training will be offered to help students with unwanted same-sex attraction who want to live lives as heterosexuals, nor will there be training to help students with gender confusion to feel comfortable and learn to accept their biological sex.  



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