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CA Democratic Candidate Josh Harder Supports Abortion Through All 9 Months of Pregnancy

Democratic Candidate Josh Harder supports abortion for the entire duration of a pregnancy, according to a video unearthed earlier this week.

The video is from a July 2017 meeting of the progressive group Our Revolution in Turlock, California. Josh Harder is challenging incumbent Representative Jeff Dunham (R-CA, 10th District) in the November midterm elections. 

The Washington Free Beacon first reported the video, taken in July of 2017. During the meeting, Josh Harder also stated he is against the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment is not a law, but a provision introduced in an appropriations bill in 1976. The measure has been renewed every year since then, and protects U.S. taxpayers from being compelled to pay for abortions for most low-income women.  The Hyde Amendment has saved two million lives since 1976. 

Josh Harder then later stated during the same meeting that he supports abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. 

According to the video:

“If I’m in Congress, I will absolutely sponsor legislation to overturn that,” Harder says. “And the reason for that is, I’m 100 percent pro-choice. And the reason for that is that I think that women should be, and are, the best judges for what they can actually have with their bodies.”

“So pro-choice, full nine terms?” an audience member asks.

“Yes,” Harder responds.

“No exceptions?” the audience member asks.

“No exceptions,” Harder says.

The video was on YouTube and Facebook, but has since been deleted. Harder’s campaign website is not nearly as controversial in its wording, but states that he “will defend Planned Parenthood” and “Advocate for a woman’s right to choose.”

Former Democratic President Barack Obama endorsed Harder last month, the Washington Free Beacon reports



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