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Santa Cruz “Church” Says It Will Serve Beer and Donate Profits to Planned Parenthood

An organization calling itself “Greater Purpose Community Church” in Santa Cruz sold it’s former meeting building and plans to open up a new location for Sunday services. The new location, which used to be a bookstore, will be complete with a brewery, and the leader plans to donate a portion of the proceeds to Planned Parenthood.

The old “church” building had a rainbow flag flying outside and “pastor” Chris VanHall also had a “Happy Pride Month” rainbow frame on his Facebook profile photo in June.

Van Hall plans to rename the bookstore and call it Greater Purpose Brewing Company. During the week it will function as a brewery, according to Christian News. “VanHall plans to revamp the location into space for manufacturing beer, mead and hard cider. The brewery will be open to the public, but on Sunday mornings, VanHall will use the facility for Sunday services before the brewery opens.” The new location will have a restaurant on the top floor, and a brewery downstairs.

Van Hall said he plans to donate profits from the brewery to local organizations, including the nation’s largest abortion provider Planned Parenthood.

“A woman’s right to choose is something most churches are silent on or opposed to, but that’s not where we stand in the faith community,” Van Hall told Good Times. “We hope to be an absolute conundrum for people walking by. A church that serves beer and gives the profits away to places like Planned Parenthood is really exciting to me.”

Lifenews notes that “If VanHall did his research though, he would find that Planned Parenthood is not suffering financially. Its most recent annual report showed a record income of $1.46 billion, with about half a billion dollars coming from taxpayers. And its former CEO made nearly $1 million a year, allegedly by serving low-income patients from her posh Manhattan offices.”

Van Hall says Ecclesiastes 9:7 is one of their favorite verses. The verse reads: “Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do.”

But Van Hall is clearly twisting Scriptures. Perhaps he should take a look at Proverbs 6:16-17 which reads: “There are six things that the Lord hates,seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood…”

Jesus would certainly not condone his name being used to turn a church into a business, especially when the proceeds are to be donated to the organization responsible for the largest genocide in human history.



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