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Conservatives are Considering Leaving Facebook in Droves over Censorship

Yesterday the Media Research Center released the results of a poll showing that self-described conservatives are tired of having content that aligns with their values blocked, hidden, or removed from the social media platform. The poll was conducted by McLaughlin & Associates to gauge the attitudes of conservatives towards Facebook and similar tech and media companies. 

The poll reveals that roughly one-third or 32% of individuals who describe themselves as conservatives have already left or plan to leave Facebook over censorship issues. Two thirds or 66% of the conservative individuals stated that they do not trust Facebook to treat its users with equality irrespective of their political differences. About 65% of conservatives also said that they think companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, etc., purposely censor conservatives. About 7.5% of conservatives said they had already left Facebook because of its censorship of conservative content. 

Here are some of the sample questions asked in the poll (taken from

Do you believe social media companies (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) are purposefully censoring conservatives and conservative ideas from their sites?

  • Yes: 64.6%
  • No: 10.8%
  • Not Sure: 24.6%

Do You Trust Facebook to treat all of its users equally, regardless of their political beliefs:

  • Yes: 17.1%
  • No: 66.1%
  • Not sure: 16.8%

Is your trust of Facebook greater than, less than, or the same as it was one year ago?

  • Greater: 6.8%
  • Less than: 66.9%
  • The same: 26.2%

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement concerning this new poll in the wake of controversies surrounding social media companies:

“These numbers are devastating to any CEO responsible for addressing the concerns of his customer base. According to this survey, 7% of conservatives have already left Facebook and another 25% are seriously considering it. That’s nearly one-third (32%) of conservatives on Facebook — potentially tens of millions of consumers. To make matters worse, two-thirds of conservative Facebook users trust Facebook less than they did a year ago. These trends should set off alarm bells at Facebook headquarters. They are bleeding a major customer base.

“The question Facebook and other social media companies need to ask themselves is this: Do you want to be seen as an open platform for all political beliefs or would you rather be considered a left-wing public interest group that censors free speech worldwide? The latter will prove to be unbelievably costly. Censorship on social media is no longer a hypothetical; it’s reality. So too is the evidence that this censorship is pointing to a massive conservative exodus.“

The survey polled 1,000 voters in the latest general election. 351 of those polled self-identified as conservatives for the period of August 22nd-August 29th, 2018. 



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