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Berkeley City Council Calls for Population Control to “Protect Environment”

The Berkeley City Council made a startling resolution last Tuesday when it called for population control measures. The Council claimed that such actions were necessary to protect the environment from a global, catastrophic emergency.

The Berkeley City Council calls for the use of so-called humane measures to achieve its goal of population control, but there has yet to be a population control campaign that ever used humane practices. The concept of humane population control is in itself an impossible oxymoron. Environmental concerns and protections can be valid causes of concern, but should never threaten human life or human rights.

The Berkeley City Council claims that the earth is experiencing a “climate emergency” that could result in bigger repercussions than World War II. They did not specify just what these repercussions would entail, however. The council members said immediate action is necessary to “humanely stabilize population” and “reverse ecological overshoot.” Fox News has more:

The resolution notes that “reversing ecological overshoot and halting the sixth mass extinction requires an effort to preserve and restore half Earth’s biodiversity in interconnected wildlife corridors and to humanely stabilize population.”

The resolution, introduced in the ultra-progressive city by councilwoman Cheryl Davila, then invokes Pope Francis’ comment that humanity is on the verge of global “suicide” and that “God’s creation” is at stake.

Davila’s resolution also calls for a global climate summit in San Francisco in September and a push to “educat[e] our citizens about the climate emergency.”

After reading that, it sounds like the Berkeley City Council has been watching to many sci-fi movies. In all seriousness though, the Council is promoting a hideous agenda. Historically, population control campaigns have been the root cause of the worst human rights abuses in history. Population control typically results in such eugenics measures as forced abortions or sterilizations. Individuals who attempt to refuse to abide my population control laws in other countries are forced into hiding, have their children stripped away, or have to pay crippling fines for having more children than the laws allow.

By 2030, the Berkely City Council plans for Berkeley to be a “carbon sink,” meaning that the city’s greenhouse gases will be in the negative or make use of negative greenhouse gas emissions to remove carbon from the atmosphere.

The Berkeley City Council also stated that residents should avoid “consumerism” and “narcissism.” This is ironic given the fact that having a lessened population could easily stem from consumerism and/or narcissism.



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