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Why Does the Mainstream Media Want Planned Parenthood to Get Taxpayer Dollars for Abortions?

There are numerous instances of editors, journalists, anchors, and reporters showering praise on the nation’s largest abortion giant or defending its killing of seven million lives.

And Planned Parenthood has shown great appreciation for the love. Since 1978, PP has awarded 257 journalists, media outlets and projects with the “Maggie Awards for Media Excellence.” Named in honor of founder Margaret Sanger, the awards went to those who “enhance the public’s understanding of reproductive rights and health care issues,” including abortion. ABC, CBS, NBC and other news sources have been recipients of these awards. And some, like the National Association of Black Journalists, for example, have been recipients of thousands of dollars in grants… supposedly for the purpose of supporting programs regarding reproductive health. For an example see this copy of Planned Parenthood’s (2013 tax return, page 64).

The latest example of the media bias in favor of Planned Parenthood (and abortion) look no further than a simple Google search. Type in ‘Trump defunds Planned Parenthood” and you’ll get a long list of articles mostly denouncing the Presidents’s recent proposed rule with the Office of Management and Budget that would prohibit Planned Parenthood from receiving Title X funds unless they separate abortion from the rest of the services that they so loudly claim to provide and champion.

Vox ran a piece titled, “The new Trump plan to defund Planned Parenthood, explained,” in which it claims that “New rules could leave low-income women without access to affordable birth control.” Vox also states that Planned Parenthood currently “uses Title X funding to provide contraceptives to millions of low-income women.” While this might be partially true, it’s definitely not the whole truth, or even most of it. To their credit, in this piece, Vox did admit that “it is true that Planned Parenthood is the country’s largest abortion provider.”

A piece from Elite Daily titled, “Will Trump Defund Planned Parenthood? This New Report Is Worrying,” called the move by Trump a “decades-old rule,” implying that it is an outdated policy move. The piece also falsely quotes a pro abortion doctor saying the rule will keep women from “family planning, but also STI screening and treatment, primary care, and cancer screening” options. This age-old argument from Planned Parenthood has been proved to be largely inaccurate. Live Action News has reported that one in eight clients entering abortion giant Planned Parenthood will get an abortion, while Planned Parenthood’s latest annual reports have illustrated a consistent decline in other services offered.

Slate ran a piece titled, “New Trump Administration Rule Will Force Doctors to Stop Saying “Abortion.” The piece unsurprisingly accuses Trump of trying to limit women’s access to “quality care.” Slate writes that “some [women] will miss months of contraception, while others will delay cancer and STI screenings” if the rule continues in place.

The Guardian ran an article titled, “Trump administration to revive Reagan-era abortion ‘gag’ rule,” also implying that the proposed rule from Trump is outdated policy.

Broadly, by Vice ran a piece titled, “Trump Has an ‘Unconscionable’ New Plan to Defund Planned Parenthood,” in which it ridiculously claimed that the proposed rule by Trump “will defund a litany of life-saving services.”

Huffington Post ran an article titled, “Trump’s New ‘Domestic Gag Rule’ Would Strip Funds From Planned Parenthood” and accused Trump of penalizing family planning providers and taking away women’s basic rights.

Bustle published a piece titled, “Trump May Slash Planned Parenthood’s Title X Funding — Here’s Why It Would Be Devastating.” The piece claims that the proposed rule would make “it harder for the most vulnerable populations to receive care.”

Think Progress published a similar piece titled, “Trump’s plan to cut Planned Parenthood funding will do a lot more than target abortion,” claiming as well that the proposed rule would “undermine reproductive care for low-income people.”

Why are all of these media groups so biased on the side of Planned Parenthood? If they really support women’s rights, why would they support an organization that makes a profit off of trampling on the basic human right of women and all human beings?

The real reason is because Planned Parenthood is pro cash, not pro choice. Planned Parenthood is the gleeful recipient of loads of money from abortion. The same is true for any other “healthcare provider” that does abortions. If you’re skeptical of that assertion, just take a few minutes and do some investigative research of your own by contacting local abortion providers. You’ll find an abortion procedure for a 16-week old infant will cost anywhere from $765-$1,050, once the infant is beyond 19 weeks, the procedure typically costs around $1,700, and at 22 to 24 weeks an abortion can cost as much as $3,275.

Planned Parenthood claims that abortion makes up only 3 percent of the services that it offers to women, which makes it look as if it is only a tiny fraction of Planned Parenthood’s business — but the $390-$1,500 that Planned Parenthood rakes in from each of its 320,000 abortion procedures annually would seem to suggest otherwise.

Publications, news outlets, and media groups who truly care about championing women’s rights and quality healthcare should stop advocating for Planned Parenthood to continue receiving federal taxpayer dollars and should instead advocate for those funds to be redirected to many of the competent healthcare clinics in the United States who focus on empowering women while encouraging them to keep their children. Instead, it seems that news groups like the ones above are promoting Planned Parenthood in the hopes that they will be the next recipient of some grant money or maybe a shiny award from Planned Parenthood – but at what a cost?



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