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Join us on Tuesday, May 15 for CFC’s AB 2943 “Day of Action” at the Capitol!

Please sign up today for CFC’s AB 2943 “Day of Action” scheduled for this Tuesday, March 15. Starting at 1 PM on the north steps of the Capitol, California Family Council and other allied organizations will hold a rally to explain the devastating effects of this bill. Speakers will include the leaders of Equipped to Love (watch their stories here), who will share their testimonies of change. AB 2943 is an attempt to call their ministry fraudulent!

At 1:30 PM, you can join lobby groups to visit Senate offices and voice your opposition to AB 2943. If you haven’t done this before, don’t worry! We and our coalition partners will provide all the materials and lobby leaders you need to effectively express your views to legislators. We hope you will take this experience and training back with you, to galvanize others in your community to oppose this bill.

Can’t Come on Tuesday?

If you can’t make it to the Capitol on Tuesday, you can still have an impact by meeting with your Senator’s district office in your community. Here is what you do:

  • Visit Find Your California Representative to figure out who your Senator is and the location of his or her district office.
  • Call and make an appointment with your Senator’s District Director, asking for the opportunity to meet to talk about AB 2943.
  • Make sure to invite your pastor or a church leader and other like-minded friends.
  • Print out some resources found at to leave with office staff.
  • If you can’t participate this Tuesday, please be sure to visit to send an opposition email to your senator.

You can also make a tax-deductible gift support CFC’s efforts to oppose AB 2943!



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