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House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy Speaks out Against Amazon’s Bullying Christian Legal Group

House Majority Leader and United States Representative for California’s 23rd congressional district, Kevin McCarthy has spoken out in support of conservatives and Christian groups being targeted and deliberately censored  across various social media platforms.

Speaking at the Council for National Policy on May 18, Majority Leader McCarthy detailed how Christian businesses and organizations are being “forced out of the public square” for their beliefs.

But it isn’t just huge social media giants censoring conservatives. Now, tech giants like Amazon are jumping on the bandwagon. Recently, Amazon singled out and banned top legal advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom from over a million organizations participating in the Amazon Smile program. AmazonSmile is an initiative that Amazon launched in 2013 as a way for its customers “to do good” by supporting their charity organization of choice when making purchases online.

Majority Leader McCarthy brought up Amazon in his speech:

And increasingly, people like us are belittled and forced out of the public square.

Conservative Christians are being silenced in corporate America and the mainstream media—including on social media, where some of the most important conversations of our day are taking place.

“There are troubling reports that Amazon excluded the Alliance Defending Freedom from its charity program after a smear campaign by a left-wing activist group.

As you know, ADF is not some fringe group. It is one of the most respected public interest law firms in the country, with two cases pending before the Supreme Court.

Those cases—Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado and NIFLA v. Becerra—will determine the very future of religious freedom in America.

If ADF is not safe from discrimination, no conservative group is safe. … And this is not an isolated incident.

During the height of the 2016 election, we learned that Facebook employees ‘routinely’ suppressed conservative stories so they wouldn’t show up in Americans’ newsfeeds.

And Twitter has censored run-of-the-mill pro-life advertisements for being ‘inflammatory.’

Think how backward that is. To some in the media and Silicon Valley, the pro-life message is ‘inflammatory’—but not abortion itself, which tears apart innocent human beings in the womb.

What Majority Leader McCarthy said is true. There are dozens of instances of tech companies bullying religious groups, and it is an ever-growing trend. Recently, YouTube suspended a pro-life account on its platform – an account dedicated to providing women with accurate information about the Abortion Pill Reversal program. And earlier this year, Dennis Prager with PragerU also is seeking legal action against YouTube over censorship of its conservative content.



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