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Over 5,000 People Petition Fremont Unified School District to Suspend or Replace Sex Ed Curriculum

Yet another school district is coming under fire for its proposed sex education curriculum. This time, it’s the Fremont school board who is discovering that parents don’t take very kindly to graphic details about sex being pushed on their young children.

You would think that these school officials would learn from the outbreak of protest by parents at other school districts that have attempted to incorporate similar sex education, invited Planned Parenthood to school events, or encouraged/hosted incidents where children “changed genders” in front of their classmates – with no advance notice being given to parents.

You would think that school boards would want to keep parents informed about the nature of the “education” that their children are receiving. You would also think that school districts would take seriously feedback given by a number of parents when it comes to the types of things that are taught and permitted in the classroom.

Fremont is the center of the latest protests by parents who are objecting the graphic sex education materials that are being placed in front of their children. On Wednesday, March 14, “a large crowd showed up Wednesday night at a Fremont school board meeting to challenge a proposed sex education curriculum for 4th to 8th graders,” according to KTVU News.

“It’s too much details talking about the sexuality, like intercourses,” said Sunidhadevi Gopalan, whose 6th grader would be affected. She’s a mother of two girls at Fremont schools. Her other daughter is only in 2nd grade.

Gopalen is among a group of parents who have signed a petition on, which had more than 4,000 signatures ahead of Wednesday nights’s meeting. It calls the new curriculum “inappropriate.”

A parent of children who

The petition on, created by a concerned group of parents at Fremont Unified School District currently has 5,216 supporters who want to protect their kids. The sex education is offered every year by Fremont for 4th to 8th graders, and although parents are allowed to opt their children out of the course, parents say this would subject their children to ridicule and harassment by their peers.

More details from the petition:

Inappropriate Curriculum
We understand Fremont Unified School District’s (FUSD) position to implement Puberty and Sexuality Health per CA Healthy Youth Act, but its adoption of the 3R’s Curriculum is highly inappropriate for the following reasons:

  1. The California Health Curriculum Framework sets forth 6 health content areas for comprehensive health curriculum; but 3R’s Curriculum focuses only on 1 content area – Sexuality Education.

  2. Teaching such imbalanced health curriculum with excessive sexual language is SEXUALIZING our children, and will subject them to undue influence and unnecessary harm.

  3. Our children need to learn TOTAL Health which should also include the other 5 content areas (i.e. Nutrition & Physical Activity; Injury Prevention and Safety; Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs; Mental, Emotional, and Social Health; Personal & Community Health).

  4. Prior to the adoption of 3R’s Curriculum, no notices were given to the FUSD parents for their input and discussion.

  5. California Education Code Section 51934 only requires each public school district to offer comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education once in junior high /middle school and once in high school; but Fremont Unified School District offers sexuality health every year from 4th – 9th grades. This excessive sexuality health instruction is taking valuable time away from other important programs



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