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Pregnancy Centers on Trial!

I’m writing this to you from the San Francisco airport, about to board a plane for our nation’s capital right now. As we’ve been telling you for months, the Religious Liberty of every single pregnancy care center is on trial this Tuesday!

For a quick recap of what’s at stake, we’ve published a brief explainer.

You can also watch this 2-minute video on YouTube or Facebook. I recorded a brief conversation on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court with Dr. Michael Farris, President of Alliance Defending Freedom.

Please stand with us! Here are three ways you can help:

  1. Pray: The Supreme Court Justices will hear oral arguments at 10 AM Eastern Time (7 AM in California) this Tuesday. Please join us in prayer both the night before and the morning of the arguments. Ask God for the pro-life attorneys to be clear, calm, and persuasive. Ask God to confound and confuse the arguments of those attacking pro-life pregnancy centers. And ask God to soften the hearts of the Justices, particularly Anthony Kennedy, who may be the swing vote in this case. Pray for miracles!
  2. Share: I will be speaking to the public on the steps of the court on Tuesday morning. You can follow the live video stream on our websiteand Facebook page. Please forward this email to your friends, family, and fellow church members, and share our updates on your social media pages. Spread the word!
  3. Give: By God’s grace and thanks to your faithfulness, California Family Council has been allowed to play a key role in the events happening this week. We need your generous financial support to help us continue to stand for Life, Family, and Liberty in California and Washington, DC! Please give a tax-deductible gift today.

From all of us at California Family Council, and on behalf of the more than 150 life-affirming pregnancy centers in California, we sincerely appreciate your support. Thank you for standing with us!

Defending Life From California to Washington,

Jonathan Keller
President, California Family Council

P.S. Our team is working hard to fight for pro-life values in Sacramento and Washington, DC, and we need your help! Please make a tax-deductible gift (of any size) today.Thank you so much for investing in our work!



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