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Mom Tearfully Describes Confusing Transgender Incident at Rocklin Academy

The mother of a child who was present in the highly controversial kindergarten classroom transgender incident at an elite charter school in Rocklin, California shared her traumatizing story at a recent school board meeting. Her daughter is five.

She began her narrative stating that she and her husband were huge fans of the Rocklin Academy Gateway prior to the transgender incident. “We loved this school and our children were invested and loved this school,” she said.

“I thought that they would take my religious beliefs, my, I mean, I am part of the public, right? I thought they would take those into consideration,” the mother stated.

“Instead, they swept us aside like we were trash, like, we have plenty of children on the waitlist, if you are not going to comply with what we want to do and say to your kindergartener…”

At this point her voice broke and she struggled to regain her composure.

“ … who was very confused … ”

After mastering her emotions somewhat she said, “All I would have wanted was the chance to talk to her ahead of time.”

The mother understandably wanted to know what happened that day inside of the teacher Kaelin Swaney’s classroom. But when searching for answers from the school officials, she ran into a brick wall. The teacher gave one story, the principal told a different story, and the parents of the child who underwent the “transition” also told a different account of what happened. “It was a mess,” the mom stated.

“For me, it was the fact that they couldn’t tell me what happened to my child in her classroom that day. The day of kindergarten graduation was just a day later,” she recalled.

The mother stated that she respects everyone’s views on this and that her daughter was raised to be loving and compassionate. While it is unclear the extent of what happened in Kaelin Swaney’s classroom that day, it is known that a book on transgenderism was read in front of an entire class of kindergartners. California Family Council’s Director of Capitol Engagement, Greg Burt tells how it all transpired:

A male kindergartner asked his teacher to read a book titled “I Am Jazz” to the class. Co-written by biologically male teen Jazz Jennings, the book describes how Jazz “transitioned” from a boy to a girl. After the teacher read the book to the class, the male student changed from his “boy clothes” into his “girl clothes.” The teacher then instructed students to use the boy’s new “girl name.”

The school also sent a student to the principal office for an harassment investigation, because she referred to the “transitioned” student by his new female name and female pronoun.

Months after the incident, the charter school repeatedly refused to adopt or alter their policies regarding what types of content teachers could bring into the classroom and whether or not parents must be notified prior to certain material be discussed. The school board over seeing the charter school has finally agreed to do some research into possible changes to their current book-sharing policy.


[Editor’s Note]: To watch an edited video of the entire Newcastle Elementary School Board meeting click here. 

Reach out to the Newcastle Elementary School Board and tell them to support parental notification and opt out rights for parents. 



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