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Conservatives Praise President Trump’s SOTU Address and First Year of Presidency

The leaders of various conservative groups are expressing their satisfaction with President Trump’s State of the Union Address as well as his accomplishments during his first year of presidency.

His State of the Union address was enthusiastic, optimistic, patriotic and was largely bipartisan. During the speech, Trump made an appeal for unity. He also talked about what he viewed as some of the major accomplishments of his administration so far: more jobs, defeating ISIS, the $1.5 trillion tax cut, the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the US Supreme Court, and stock market increases.  The New York Times reported that the State of the Union “speech became the most Tweeted #SOTU or #Joint session address ever, passing last year’s record of 3 million Tweets, according to Twitter.” It was also one of the longest State of the Union speeches in over 15 years.

Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council, applauded the President’s speech in a statement released yesterday. In it, Perkins praised Trump’s performance as President thus far, describing his speech as “an American pep rally” where Trump praised the American people for overcoming natural disasters together. Perkins also praised Trump for fulfilling many of his campaign promises, referring to his actions as “something rare in American politics.”

“The president spoke from the heart about our shared values as Americans. One of those values that binds us together is reflected in our motto; that we are one nation under God. President Trump understands that our freedom to unite under God has been under steady assault– and he’s spent the last year reversing this devastating trend. The reality is that if Americans don’t have the freedom to live according to their faith — whether it’s in the home, in the workplace, or in school — then we really can’t be free.

“The president tonight noted his ‘historic actions to protect religious liberty.’ This president knows that religious liberty isn’t found in political proclamations, but in the policies they inspire. That’s why this president who has not wavered in his determination to preserve freedom for those yet to be born.

Perkins also noted Trump’s mention of rebuilding the military and the necessary implementation of policies that protect the religious freedom of members of our Armed Forces.

Jeanne Mancini, President of the March for Life also praised Trump’s performance in his first year of office, citing the enormous strides that have been made in favor of the preborn.

Domestically, this year the administration relieved states from being compelled to fund our nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, under the Title X funding stream. The administration also offered respite for religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor and non-sectarian pro-life groups like the March for Life from carrying life destructive drugs and devices in our health-care plans.

Mancini described Trump’s actions thus far as an indication of his commitment to defending life at home and abroad.

Alliance Defending Freedom also published their analysis of Trump’s first year in office, praising especially Trump’s Executive Order on Religious Freedom, his nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, his reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy, reversing Obama’s school locker room policy, the creation of HHS Exemptions for pro life beliefs, and addressing the March for Life this year. To read Alliance Defending Freedom’s elaboration on each of these points, click here.



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