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Bill to Mandate CA Colleges Get Into the Abortion Business Debated in Sacramento This Wednesday

Back in committee for consideration this Wednesday is state legislation mandating California public university health centers offer students chemical abortions as a “basic health service.” The bill,  SB 320, stalled last year over California State University and University of California concerns about safety, cost, and liability. A new version of the bill being considered in the Senate Health Committee, still mandates CSU and UC university health centers provide chemical abortions, but it also establishes a private/public fund to pay for the additional costs associated with dispensing abortion drugs.

SB 320, sponsored by State Senator Connie Leyva (D-Chino), would create a Medication Abortion Implementation Advisory Council, with members appointed by the State Treasurer, to oversee a special fund with money from private and public sources. California universities, both public and private, could apply for grants to help pay for ultrasound machines, and the additional medical and administrative staff necessary to administer abortions drugs at university health centers around the state.

Pro-life advocates are appalled that state legislators want California universities to get directly involved in the abortion business. They also believe it is unconscionable that politicians would promote a drug which will leave an untold number of female students struggling with the trauma of giving birth to their dead babies up to 10 weeks old in their dorm rooms.

“Not only will this bill destroy the lives of innocent children, but the chemical abortion medication being mandated has a notorious reputation for being very painful and traumatic,” said California Family Council CEO Jonathan Keller. “These drugs are known for not just causing physical pain to the mother, but psychological anguish that could last a lifetime.”

Abby Johnston, a former Planned Parenthood clinic director turned Pro-Life advocate, knows first hand the anguish caused by chemical abortions. When she was only 23, Johnston was persuaded to have a “medication abortion” for its promise of simplicity and privacy. She was given a few pills and told to go home. Planned Parenthood told her she would have, “Nothing worse than a heavy period.” But that isn’t what happened. Read more of her story here.

According to former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino, non-surgical medical abortion involves two drugs: Mifepristone/RU-486, which ends the life of the unborn child, and Misoprostol which causes severe cramping, contractions, and bleeding to expel the baby from the womb. The process can last between a few hours to a couple days as he explains on a YouTube video viewed over 1 million times. Watch below.

Action Steps to Stop This Bill: 

Lobby Day: Californians for Life is coordinating a lobby day to oppose SB 320 the date of the hearing, January 10th.

All pro-life advocates are invited to participate. Everyone will meet at the State Capitol Rotunda on the first floor at 8:30 a.m. and then go to the Senate Education Committee hearing which starts at 9 a.m. in room 4203. Everyone will be able to come to the microphone to encourage the senators to “Vote NO on SB 320.” SB 320 is the first item on the agenda, so the hearing should finish early, leaving time for people to visit their Senators to further oppose SB 320.

For those who can’t make it to the Capitol Lobby Day, please concentration your calls to senators on the Senate Education Committee on Tuesday, January 9th. If we concentrate our calls on this day, Sacramento will take note that prolife Californians aren’t going to give up fighting for the lives of unborn children! If you are in one of these senators’ districts, please make sure you tell them.

Here are the seven Senators on the Senate Education Committee to call, saying “Vote NO on SB 320.” When calling, ask to speak with the staff member staffing SB 320.

  • Senator Benjamin Allen (Chair) (D) Hollywood, Beverly Hills
  • Senator Scott Wilk (Vice Chair) (R) Antelope, Santa Clarita
  • Senator Cathleen Galgiani (D) Stockton
  • Senator Andy Vidak (R) Fresno, Bakersfield
  • Senator Tony Mendoza (D) Whittier, Downey, Buena Park
  • Senator Connie M. Leyva (D) Author of SB 320, Pomona, Ontario, San Bernardino
  • Senator Richard Pan (D) Sacramento




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