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Planned Parenthood Offensively Claims Abortion is the Same as Miscarriage

Planned Parenthood isn’t exactly known for their affable tweets and policy opinions, and they’ve received dramatic pushback for a number of their public relations initiatives – especially since attempting to rebrand themselves in the wake of the undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress showing them engaging in the selling of aborted baby parts.

Planned Parenthood showed they definitely do not speak for a lot of women when they launched their #WhatWomenWantIn4Words campaign on social media. The Planned Parenthood PR campaign attempt backfired, with women calling for a cessation of federal tax dollars to be funding the abortion giant.

Prior to this, Cecile Richards took to Twitter to tweet what were in reality false “facts” about Planned Parenthood. “Facts” like, “Every day Planned Parenthood’s doors stay open, another 8,118 people get health care.” Pro life individuals promptly responded and set the facts straight on Planned Parenthood’s true corrupt business practices by pointing out that Planned Parenthood kills 37 babies every hour (according to their last annual report).

Another example of Planned Parenthood’s inflammatory language is last January when members of Congress were considering defunding the abortion corporation. Planned Parenthood accused Congress of attempting to “rip apart” healthcare. People noted the extreme irony in the language and asked why Planned Parenthood literally rips apart babies if they are really so concerned about healthcare?

It should come as no surprise then, that last week a Planned Parenthood tweet compared women who have suffered miscarriages with women who have undergone an abortion. The tweet was from Planned Parenthood Action Fund and quoted an article published in Romper by feministĀ Danielle Campoamor.

Inside her article titled, ā€œI’m Miscarrying Right Now, & It’s Only Strengthening My Beliefs About Abortion,ā€ Campoamor wrote:

ā€œMiscarriage and abortion are sisters. Just like my body knew what to do when an abnormal embryo implanted itself in my uterus, my mind knew what to do when a healthy embryo found its way to the soft lining of my uterine wall back when I was 23 years old, in an unhealthy relationship, living paycheck-to-paycheck, unwilling and unable to be a mother.ā€

ā€œPerhaps, one day, I will feel another kick, hear another heartbeat, and experience another pregnancy,ā€ she concluded. ā€œBut for now, and while I am sad and in pain, I will find comfort in the knowledge that every outcome of pregnancy ā€” be it a miscarriage, an abortion, or a birth ā€” is normal.ā€

As with Planned Parenthood’s other egregious tweets, people passionately objected to this comparison.

Precisely and concisely stated.

Everyone was quick to point out the irony in this tragic statement.

What an extremely offensive and insensitive thing to say to women who have had multiple miscarriages.

The tweets go on and on in protest of Planned Parenthood’s tweet, but the ones above are sufficient to show how Planned Parenthood does an extremely poor job of representing women.

Jonathan Keller, CEO of California Family Council, stated “As a father who has lost two children to miscarriage, I think this may be the most offensive thingĀ Planned ParenthoodĀ orĀ Planned Parenthood ActionĀ have ever posted.”



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