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Planned Parenthood’s ‘Counselors’ are Trained to Suggest Abortions

The pro-life group, Feminists for Life was recently able to acquire some materials that Planned Parenthood uses to make their employees more effective at “selling” women on the idea of getting an abortion. The training materials were developed by Planned Parenthood and The Consortium of Abortion Providers, and intended for internal use only. Part of the training materials include sample questions that the Planned Parenthood “counselors” are likely to get from expectant mothers.

The training begins by stating “Women have abortions for a variety of reasons. Including because they care about themselves, their families or their future families.” That statement is more than a little ironic, as it is a bit uncertain how an abortion will improve the situation. Killing a current member of your family because you care about your family or future family doesn’t seem to make much sense.

In response to the sample questions Planned Parenthood workers are likely to receive, the training materials provide several ideal answers the “counselor” can give in order to encourage that woman to go through with an abortion.

Live Action News details what some of the sample questions and answers are:

1. “One thing I know is that I’ve always, always wanted children. But if I had a kid now, I’d be stuck for the rest of my life.”

The suggested Planned Parenthood response is to affirm the idea that being “stuck for the rest of one’s life” is the result of having a kid.

Planned Parenthood’s answer: “Good for you for realizing that. It sounds like you know exactly what you’re doing.”

2. “I can never tell my family about this. They are really strongly against abortion. But my husband and I already have three kids, and we’re struggling every day as it is.”

Planned Parenthood’s training instructs women to suggest that eliminating a part of their family (her current pregnancy) is necessary for the survival of the other portion of her family. Unbelievable.

Planned Parenthood’s answer: “Some people are very judgmental about the hard choices we face. And others… They’re going to support you because they know you’re trying to do what’s best for your family.”

3. “I really don’t believe in abortion. I believe in personal responsibility. So, I never thought I’d have to even consider abortion.”

Planned Parenthood’s suggested response to this statement is to imply that one has sufficient reason to eliminate a pregnancy for the sole reason that it was an unexpected one.

Planned Parenthood’s answer: “It sounds like you did everything you possibly could to prevent a pregnancy. For a lot of women, that can feel so unfair.”

These internal training materials that were bought to life by Feminists for Life show that Planned Parenthood really is all about pushing abortions to meet a bottom dollar, not providing a woman with all of the options actually available to her when faced with an unexpected pregnancy.



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