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President Trump Supports House Bill Banning Abortions After Twenty Weeks

The House will vote in the coming days on a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks up until the time of birth. The bill is a “high priority” for President Trump, says pro life leader Marjorie Dannefelser.

Representative Trent Franks introduced the legislation back in January, and also proposed legislation in July in an effort to try to save the now deceased Charlie Gard.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy hosted a press conference on Tuesday providing details of when the House will vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36). McCarthy was joined by pro life Representatives Diane Black (TN-06), Trent Franks (AZ-08), Vicky Hartzler (MO-04), and and other pro-life leaders such as Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser.

The family of Micah Pickering was also present at the press conference, according to Lifenews. Micah Pickering is a miracle baby who survived after being born prematurely at 20 weeks. Today, Micah is a happy, healthy five year old.

SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser stated the faces like Micah help bring this issue to life in many people’s minds.

“Micah really is the real face of this issue,” she urged. “Because it’s really easy to talk about it, the abortion issue, in abstract theoretical terms. But when you really have come across … and see a young man running around full of energy and love, you realize this is not any other political issue.”

Representative Trent Franks made similar references to Micah, according to Lifenews. “When Micah stands there,” he said, “you can’t ignore him. He’s as real as it gets.”

The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act is set for an October 3rd voted in the U.S. House of Representatives. The goal of this legislation is to protect unborn babies after five months, the stage at which babies can feel pain.

Marjorie Dannenfelser acknowledged that the House passed a similar piece of legislation back in 2015, but attempts to get the bill through the Senate were unsuccessful. But this time would be different, said Dannenfelser, noting that this time we have a President in Trump supported the passage of the legislation.

“The other thing that is different this time is that the President of the United States, who I talked with last night at the White House about this, considers it a high priority, said Dannenfelser. “So this has become a national conversation not just a conversation that you have off on the sidelines.”

The way politicians voted on this piece of legislation will have a big impact on their ability to retain their seats in the upcoming 2018 election, Dannenfelser noted.

Dannenfelser also expressed her hope that the media would provide positive coverage about the legislation.

“I have really found that over the last several years, of dealing especially with this 20-week bill that the media in general are listening,” she said, noting that this effort “really appeals to the basic humanity of people.”



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