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Cecile Richards Says Every Person has the “Right to Live”?

According to an email sent out to Planned Parenthood supporters Cecile Richards is “infuriated” and “heartbroken” that Trump is ending DACA because it  could cost Planned Parenthood a big portion of customers.

The email states:

“The Trump administration just announced a plan to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) — an attack that will leave 800,000 young people who have grown up in this country at risk of deportation, including members of the Planned Parenthood community.”

In the email, Richards claims that DACA has helped many “young DREAMers” to go to Planned Parenthood. And of course, it would just be altogether tragic to have less  abortion customers. “We are resolved to fight back against this cruel and heartless decision — and I hope you are, too,” Richards continues.

But then, that’s when Richards says one of her most ironic statements. Planend Parenthood and Richards have a knack for their odd and incredibly contradictory statements.“Here at Planned Parenthood, we firmly believe that every person has the right to live, work, and raise a family freely and without the threat of deportation or separation,” she says.

Wait, whaaaat? Planned Parenthood’s President thinks every person has the right to life?

“We believe in every person’s right to control their own destiny and their own body,” Richards’s email continues — except… that’s not really true, especially not for the preborn.

“We stand with our allies who are leading this fight and will never stop fighting for this vision. Protecting immigrant families from inhumane attacks, assault, and deportations is critical to making that vision a reality,” Richards writes.

In other words, Cecile Richards needs and loves immigrants because Planned Parenthood can prey upon them more easily to meet their bottom line and abortion quotas. Sick!



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