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International Charity Organization Has Goal of Saving 1 Million Babies from Abortion

The international charity organization, Knights of Columbus has announced a goal of saving 1 million babies from abortion through providing women with access to ultrasounds.

‘“We know from experience that a woman who sees an ultrasound image of her child is highly likely to keep her baby,” Carl Anderson, CEO of the Knights of Columbus, said at the organization’s 135th international convention in St. Louis on Aug. 1-3,’ according to the Daily Signal.

In 2009, the Knights of Columbus started working to pay for 829 ultrasound machines. Since the inception of that effort in 2009, the program has saved literally hundreds of thousands of preborn babies from death by abortion.

Mobile and stationary clinics with ultrasound equipment put the caring people who staff them in contact with women under stress considering abortions. After viewing ultrasounds, women often feel motivated to care for their child and the likelihood of a woman continuing with an abortion procedure is significantly reduced. Ultrasound machines empower the pro life community enabling them to provide women with ultrasound images of their child, which subsequently often encourages them to make life-affirming decisions.

According to a fact sheet published in January of this year by National Right to Life:

Five states require that an ultrasound be performed prior to an abortion. The screen must be displayed
so the mother can view it and a description of the image of the unborn child must be given. They are
Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina*, Texas, and Wisconsin. (The Oklahoma law enacted in 2010 is
permanently enjoined thereby leaving the 2006 law in effect.)

Five states require that an ultrasound be performed and that the mother be offered the opportunity to
view the ultrasound. They are Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Mississippi and Virginia.

Eleven states require that the mother be provided with an opportunity to view an ultrasound if
ultrasound is used as part of the abortion process. They are Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas,
Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah and West Virginia.

Four states require that the mother be provided with the opportunity to view an ultrasound. They are
Indiana, Missouri, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

A survey by the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates found that 78 percent of abortion-minded or abortion-vulnerable women chose life after seeing an ultrasound of their preborn baby. That same survey detailed that the majority of women (83.5 percent) further stated that viewing an ultrasound image of their baby had a positive influence on their decision to choose life for their baby.

Anderson hopes that when the program celebrates its 10th year anniversary in 2019 that it will have 1,000 ultrasound machines in service, and will also be able to celebrate the amazing milestone of having saved the lives of 1 million children.



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