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DID YOU KNOW: Our State Constitutions Contain 116 Direct References to God

According to Pew Research Center data all but 4 states include a direct reference to God in their governing documents.

Overall, our 50 state constitutions contain 116 direct references to God, with Hawaii being one exception. Hawaii’s constitution makes reference to the divine only in its preamble, stating that the people of Hawaii are “grateful for Divine Providence.” Colorado, Iowa, and Washington all three have constitutions that refer to God as the ‘Supreme Being’ or ‘Creator of the Universe.’

According to Pew Research Center:

In addition to the 116 mentions of God, there are also 14 mentions of a Supreme or Sovereign Being, seven mentions of the “Creator,” three mentions of “providence,” four mentions of “divine” and 46 instances of the word “almighty.” While there are 32 mentions of the word “Lord,” all but one refer to “the year of our Lord” and so are not direct references to God. (Indeed, the U.S. Constitution also makes reference to “the year of our Lord.”) There also are seven mentions of the word “Christian.”

State constitutions in Mass., N.C. have most references to God or the divine

Newsmax reports:

In addition to direct references to God, the state constitutions contain 81 other references to the almighty or similar terms.








This data is important to take into consideration when leftists attempt to argue that biblical principles should be kept out of government.



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