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Nancy Pelosi is Wrong: There is no Dignity in Silencing the Preborn

Last month during a press conference, “House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) claimed the act of defunding Planned Parenthood, among other things, disrespects God,” according to the Independent Journal Review. Pelosi elaborated, according to CNS News, saying “I think defunding Planned Parenthood disrespects every woman in this country, disrespects her judgment to make her own decision about the size and timing of her family, with herself, her doctor, her God, her family.”

Pelosi played on emotions in her speech, talking as if Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry are essential to being a woman, a central pillar of women’s rights. Pelosi also made claims pretending that  women need abortion to plan their families, or to prevent pregnancy. It is hard to see the connection between federal tax dollars ceasing to fund abortions and the direct disrespect of women and God.

That’s exactly why March for Life President Jeanne Mancini responded to Nancy Pelosi with a strong counter-argument. According to CNS News, Mancini had a lot to say about the House Minority Leader’s bogus remarks:

“The foundation of the pro-life movement rests on the belief that every life is a gift and that every person has inherent dignity from the moment they are conceived.”

“For Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to suggest that funding Planned Parenthood, our nation’s largest abortion provider, adheres to these values is simply abhorrent,” said Mancini.

According to the Free Beacon, Mancini went on to talk about the horrible reality of the abortion industry and the effort to ignore the thoughts of the American people on abortion funding:

“There is no dignity in single-handedly silencing over 320,000 unborn voices without their consent, nor respect for human life in trafficking the hearts, lungs, and livers of the innocent for profit,” Mancini said. “Instead, we should respect the consensus of the American people who do not want their tax dollars funding abortion, and restore their ability to decide how the government represents them.”

Mancini was referring to a poll indicating that 6.1 in 10 Americans oppose the use of tax dollars to fund abortions.

The Independent Journal Review gives us a look at the massive costs that the abortion industry tallies on a yearly basis, “In Planned Parenthood’s recent annual report, the organization reports it performed 328,348 abortions. During the 2015-2016 year, it also received $554.6 million in “government health services reimbursements and grants.””

What Nancy Pelosi implied about defunding Planned Parenthood just isn’t true. Abortions aren’t miracles. Quite the opposite, they take innocent lives and leave long term negative effects on  mothers forever. Defunding Planned Parenthood isn’t disrespecting women, it’s clearly in their best interest. Many taxpayers are uncomfortable with funding something that they personally believe to be wrong, and that perfectly understandable. Clearly, abortion isn’t the empowering tool that Pelosi erroneously makes it out to be, there’s more to the story, as Jeanne Mancini so eloquently pointed out, and it’s time government started listening.




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