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3 Ways to Pray for Trinity Lutheran Oral Arguments at the Supreme Court Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the big day.

Alliance Defending Freedom will stand before the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of their client Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Missouri.

Trinity Lutheran has served its community for over 90 years. The church runs a preschool open to children in the surrounding area, regardless of whether the children have any religious affiliation. The playground on its premises is also open to the community outside of school hours and on the weekends. Yet the state is denying the preschool an opportunity to participate in a grant program to resurface their playground simply because of its religious status.

Tomorrow, ADF legal counsel will ask the Supreme Court to recognize that discriminating against people of faith or religious organizations simply because of their religious status is unconstitutional.

Here are three things you can be praying for leading up to the arguments:

  1. ADF’s clients

Trinity Lutheran has been involved in this lawsuit for several years – they reached out to ADF in 2011 – and the case worked its way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. We ask that you pray for preschool leaders as well as the preschool children and those in the surrounding community. Pray that they will feel God’s presence with them in the courtroom and that they would be strengthened.

  1. The ADF attorney arguing the case

ADF Senior Counsel and Vice President of US Litigation David Cortman will be arguing before the Supreme Court on Trinity Lutheran’s behalf. Please pray that God will give him wisdom and that the arguments would find favor with the justices. Pray that he would have answers for all of the justices’ questions and that his mind would be focused and clear.

  1. The Supreme Court justices

We ask that you pray for the nine Supreme Court justices who will be hearing this case. Pray that they would recognize the value in upholding religious liberty and preventing religious discrimination. Pray that the Lord would soften their hearts toward Trinity Lutheran. Also continue to pray for the justices as they go about preparing a decision after the oral arguments.

[Editor’s Note]: This update originally appeared at, authored by Sarah Kramer.



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