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Vice President Mike Pence to Speak at March for Life Rally

Today, the White House confirmed that Vice President of the United States Mike Pence will be speaking tomorrow at the rally taking place at the annual March for Life. During his campaign, Pence stated, “we’ll see Roe v. Wade consigned to the ash-heap of history where it belongs.”

The March for Life is usually held near the date of the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision mandating abortions could be performed nationwide.

Catholic News Agency reports:

The presence of a sitting vice president is a major boost for the annual pro-life march, which regularly sees hundreds of thousands of attendees from across the country, but generally receives minimal coverage in major media outlets.

Other speakers at this year’s rally and march include Kellyanne Conway, senior counselor to President Donald Trump; Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York; Baltimore Ravens tight end Benjamin Watson; and former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson.

Before being elected Vice President, Pence served as the governor of Indiana. During his vice-presidential debate, he emphasized multiple time his firm belief in the sanctity and dignity of all human life. “The very idea that a child that is almost born into the world could still have their life taken from them is just anathema to me. And I can’t conscience about a party that supports that,” Pence said during the debate.

California Family Council’s CEO, Jonathan Keller stated:

“I am thrilled Vice President Mike Pence be speaking to the March for Life in Washington, DC tomorrow. Mr. Pence is not only the first Vice President to address the March, but the highest ranking government official to ever speak to the hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers gathered at our nation’s capital. Having him headlining this event is a wonderful example of his servant leadership and his commitment to the sanctity and dignity of human life, but specially the pre-born. It also gives hope to the millions of pro-life citizens across the country who are counting on this new administration to defined Planned Parenthood, stand up for the conscience rights of Pro-Life medical professionals, and appoint pro-Life Supreme Court justices.”

Before serving as governor of Indiana, Pence served in Congress, gaining a reputation for being one of the most pro life members of the House of Representatives.

In a Facebook post, the Reverend Franklin Graham wrote:

“I’m pleased to see that our new Vice President Mike Pence will be speaking at tomorrow’s March for Life rally in Washington, D.C. This is a cause worth speaking out on—life. I hope this event will draw the attention of millions, and that it will begin a movement of prayer and steps to bring change to protect the unborn in this nation. It’s criminal that what should be the safest place on earth for a baby has become the most dangerous and vulnerable. I’m thankful that America has a Vice President who is not ashamed of his Christian faith and who takes a bold stand for life—aren’t you?”

[Editor’s Note]: There will be strong security this year at the March due to Vice President Pence’s presence. For a list of items not to bring, see here.



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