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Planned Parenthood Ironically Accuses GOP of Attempting to ‘Rip Apart’ our Healthcare System & ‘Create Chaos’

In a series of tweets beginning Tuesday, Planned Parenthood accused Republican members of Congress of attempting to “rip apart our health care system & create chaos.”

It’s a bit ironic that Planned Parenthood uses the phrases “healthcare,” “create chaos,” and “rip apart” in the same sentence. Still more strange that these phrases are used to accuse others of trying to rip up our health care system.

If Planned Parenthood cares so much about health care and preventing chaos, why do they literally ‘rip apart’ babies and throw families into further chaos? In fact, in an undercover video released by the Center for Medical Progress, Perrin Larton, the Procurement Manager at ABR, while describing ABR’s fetal tissue harvesting practice to a prospective buyer used the phrases “ripped up” and “ripped open” to describe a what happens during an abortion procedure.

“But most of the time, [the fetus] is not intact,” Larton notes in the video, explaining that “the abdomen is always ripped open.”

“Everything will just get ripped up, you know,” Larton continues. “Whenever we have a smooth portion of liver, we think that’s good, because most of the time, just the instruments they go in to pull and it’s just whatever presents first.”

Apparently, a few people also noted the apparent contradiction and took to Twitter to state the obvious. There’s this:

And this:

And this:

Then this. Boom!

Ignoring the obvious much, Planned Parenthood?

Dr. Anthony Levatino is a professional obstetrician-gynecologist who, according to Christian Post, performed hundreds of first and second trimester abortions during the 1980s. Levatino testified before the House Judiciary Committee as part of a 2015 investigation into Planned Parenthood. The article in Christian Post reads (emphasis mine):

In graphic detail, Levatino described the process of a Suction D&E procedure, which involves using a sopher clamp to rip limbs off an aborted baby.

“Once you have grasped something inside, squeeze on the clamp to set the jaws and pull hard — really hard. You feel something let go and out pops a fully formed leg about six inches long,” reads Levatino’s submitted testimony.

“Reach in again and grasp whatever you can. Set the jaw and pull really hard once again and out pops an arm about the same length. Reach in again and again with that clamp and tear out the spine, intestines, heart and lungs.”

It’s no accident the language that Planned Parenthood uses. Choosing to use the graphic terminology ‘rip apart’ is a brazen play on words that describes in vivid terms what Planned Parenthood actually does to preborn baby humans. Accusing lawmakers seeking to repeal and replace Obamacare of ripping up healthcare is a complete double standard.

[Editors Note]: This post was originally published on Live Action News.



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