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One day, I pray we won’t have to have a Sanctity of Life Sunday

On January 13, 1984, President Ronald Reagan issued a presidential proclamation, declaring that day to be National Sanctity of Human Life Day. Today marks the 44th tragic anniversary of Roe v. Wade. An estimated nearly 60 million innocent lives have been lost since the decision was handed down by the Supreme Court in 1973.

Think of the devastating consequences of Roe v. Wade. There are fathers who never had the privilege of a first dance with their daughters. There are dads who never got to teach their sons to spell words or swing a hammer.. There are mothers who never had the joy of hugging their sons, or washing their cuts and bruises after they scrape a knee. There are moms who never had the joy of having tea or “dress up” with their girls. There are sons who never got the chance to cuddle their brand new baby sister. There are daughters who never got to teach their baby brother to ride a bike. There are grandparents who never got to go shopping with their grandkids. There are grandpas who never got to teach their grandsons and granddaughters to catch a fish.

Currently, the United States is one of only four nations in the world where it is legal to kill your child throughout all 9 months of pregnancy, even up until birth. How tragic that the United States – a country recognized as the leader of the free world – is on that list. It’s a cause for grief that it’s necessary to even have a designated Sanctity of Life Sunday.

Today, individuals across America are declaring truths that human beings shouldn’t have to say about other human beings. It should go without saying that abortion is wrong because fathers shouldn’t abandon their child or child’s mother. It should be recognized that abortion is wrong because it has hurtful emotional and physical consequences to women. It’s unfortunate that pastors have to tell their congregations that abortion is wrong because every life has value no matter the circumstances. It’s unfortunate that teachers have to tell students that abortion is not okay because preborn babies feel pain as early as five weeks.

Even today, as we recall with somberness the nearly 60 million lives lost to various barbaric abortion methods, there are children who tomorrow will be violently ripped from the comfort of their mother’s body.
One day, I pray we won’t have to have a Sanctity of Life Sunday. I hope that one day we won’t have to peacefully protest an end to all abortions everywhere. I hope one day we won’t have to be told that all life has value no matter the circumstances.

[Editors Note]: For pro-life events in your state happening now, check here.



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