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Happy Thanksgiving from California Family Council

In the year 1621, in celebration of Plymouth Colony’s first bountiful harvest, Governor William Bradford proclaimed a day of feasting and thanksgiving to God for the preservation of the Colony.  The Pilgrims, with Native American aid, had survived a long battle with starvation and disease that had decimated their numbers.  The colony would survive; and there was much for which to be thankful.

As Americans today, we also have much for which to be thankful.  Despite all of the imperfections and flaws present in American society today, the United States is still the greatest country in the world.  We enjoy freedom about which many across the globe can only dream, and free elections allow for the smooth and non-violent transfer of power from one administration to the next.  

As conservatives, we have had victories this past year for which to give thanks.  In the case of  Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged v. Burwell, the rights of conscience were protected.  Also this year, Planned Parenthood’s practice of selling baby body parts was exposed by investigative journalism.

This gives us hope for the future!  The results of the 2016 election greatly enhance the prospects that conservative values will be protected under the next administration.  Pro-life justices could be appointed to the Supreme Court. Religious freedom under a Trump/Pence administration will likely be protected. Even Obamacare could be repealed as early as January.  

As we celebrate with friends and family this week, let us remember not only the historic roots of Thanksgiving, but the present blessings with which we have been endowed.  The remembrance of the blessings of God makes us overflow with gratitude and hope. On behalf of all the staff here at California Family Council, we hope you and your family cherish your time together and have a blessed Thanksgiving!



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