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Proposition 64: A Spooky Choice for California

Tonight, thousands of children will go house-to-house asking for goodies. But if Proposition 64 passes on November 8, next year parents may get more tricks than treats.

Officially titled “the Adult Use of Marijuana Act,” Prop 64 would legalize marijuana in California and put children at risk on a holiday like Halloween. States that have legalized the recreational use of marijuana have issued cautions to trick or treaters because of instances of marijuana-laced candy being given by kids. Almost a year after marijuana was legalized in Colorado, Denver Police were warning parents and trick-or-treaters of pot-infused handouts on Halloween.

Florida is also considering the question of whether or not to legalize marijuana, but a local sheriff said last Monday at a news conference that parents should be on the watch this Halloween for candy laced with marijuana. That could happen in Florida if voters in November pass Amendment 2, the sheriff warned according to the Orlando Sentinel, which would legalize medical marijuana. The Orlando Sheriff’s Association opposes the amendment which would legalize the use of marijuana. Even though the amendment won’t be voted on until Nov. 8 — after Halloween — the threat is still there, Demings said. “As a sheriff, I believe the passing of the amendment could be problematic and would negatively impact the overall public safety in our community,” Demings said.

The Los Angeles Times also warned readers that parents should be on the lookout for so-called “edibiles:”

Is that a Kit Kat bar or a “Kif Kat” bar? A Milky Way or “Munchy Way?” Skippy peanut butter or “Trippy” peanut butter?

When it comes to the sugary loot children across Los Angeles will be collecting for Halloween, police say parents should take some common sense steps to make sure what their young charges haul in is more treat than trick.

Sometimes it can be difficult if not impossible to tell the difference between normal candy and pot-infused candy. Police and safety experts recommend that if your kids bring home candy that doesn’t look like it’s from a candy company to just throw it away.

However, the risk of children in California obtaining harmful and potentially fatal marijuana edibles is greatly increased if Proposition 64 is passed on November 8. California Family Council strongly urges voters to reject this dangerous measure at the ballot box on Election Day.



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