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New SB 1146 Petition!

Earlier this month, I wrote to you about the disastrous SB 1146. Today, we have a brand new petition you can use to helpĀ engage your friends and family!

But first, several people have asked us for a concise explanation of why SB 1146 is such a threat. In summary, here are just a few reasons why California Family Alliance and California Family Council oppose this legislation:

  • SB 1146 would prohibit any faith-based policies that ā€œdiscriminateā€ against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons. It specifically prohibits any policies restricting married student housing to couples in male-female marriages or policies requiring transgender students to live in the dormitories designated for their biological sex rather than their perceived “gender identity.”
  • In order not to be subject to these requirements, religious schools would have to withdraw from participation in the Cal Grants program. There are thousands of students who attend schools like Biola, Fresno Pacific, Thomas Aquinas College, Azusa Pacific, William Jessup, and others on a Cal Grant, a state-funded scholarship open to lower-income students. SB 1146 would profoundly and negatively impact student choice, and we sincerely believe that the chief collateral damage for this bill will be students.
  • In its current version, the bill may require such schools to make their on-campus chapel open to the celebration of same-sex weddings.
  • The current version of the bill also would prohibit schools from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in hiring. This means a school could be open to a lawsuit for refusing to hire a professor living in a same-sex marriage.

As a reminder, SB 1146 was heard before the Assembly Judiciary Committee on June 30th.Ā Despite dozens of opponents testifying in opposition, and NOT A SINGLE PERSON from the audience speaking in support, the chairman forced the bill through on a strictly party-line vote.

No Republican voted in favor of SB 1146, while every Democrat present supported the measure. SB 1146 now advances to the Assembly Appropriations committee, currently scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday, August 3rd.

Dozens of state and national organizations have already joined our coalition against this terrible measure. Using our advocacy tool, overĀ 4,000 citizens have contacted their legislator and voiced their opposition.

Along with sharing our onlineĀ petition, please also use ourĀ a printed petitionĀ so you canĀ gatherĀ signatures from your friends, family, and church. Please return these petitions to our Fresno office as soon as possible so we can present them in person to legislators in Sacramento.

Finally, for the latest updates on this dangerous legislation:

We also appreciate your financial support as we work to reach thousands of grassroots activists.Ā As you can imagine, SB 1146 is a tremendous opportunity, but we need your help to educate our fellow citizens!

To successfully accomplish our key projects his month, we need to raise a total of $56,701 before July 31st. My team and I sincerely appreciate your financial partnership as we continue to educate and activate thousands of our fellow Californians. Thank you for your gracious support!



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