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Mourning in America: A Response to the Orlando Gay Nightclub Shooting

California Family Council condemns in the strongest terms the deadly shooting that took place inside an Orlando nightclub early on the morning of Sunday, June 12. We are heartbroken by this evil act of violence, and we mourn the loss of life and pray for the victims and their families.

This act of terrorism, perpetrated by an adherent to radical Islamist ideology, took the lives of at least 50 persons and resulted in injuries to 53 more. Each of these people were image bearers of God, worthy of incalculable dignity and respect. Each of their deaths is a horrific tragedy.

California Family Council’s CEO Jonathan Keller released the following statement:

“As Christians, we believe that all human beings are created in the image and likeness of God. Regardless of race, religion, sexuality, or gender identity, all members of the human race are our brothers and sisters, for whom Christ died on the cross. It is the duty of every Christian to love their neighbor as Christ loved us.

On behalf of CFC’s board of directors, staff, and supporters, we extend our heartfelt grief to all affected by the murders in Orlando. We mourn the passing of the victims of this shooting, pray for healing and comfort for their families and for the wounded, and utterly condemn this hateful act of cruel and senseless violence. We also pray for our leaders and law enforcement officials who must bring all those involved in this attack to justice.”

For further comments or interview requests, please email [email protected] or call 866-866-7993.

Other Resources

Several of our friends and associated organizations have also offered responses to the June 12 shooting. We encourage you to share both this post and these following links on social media and email.




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