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Crisis in San Diego: The Attack on Christian Clubs on Public Schools Campuses

Crisis in San Diego: The Untold Story of the Attack on Christian Clubs on Public Schools Campuses

7 PM | Monday, March 7
East Clairemont Southern Baptist Church
4633 Doliva Drive, San Diego, CA

Join us in San Diego this Monday, March 7th to hear the story of one of the largest school districts in California intentionally targeting and threatening Christian clubs on their campuses.

We’ll share how a local ministry and Christian students prayed, fought for their First Amendment rights – and prevailed! With the proactive assistance and intervention of experienced legal counsel, these clubs were able to keep the doors open for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the face of persecution, including blatant defamation, discrimination, and religious intolerance.

Our special speakers will include Dr. Nate Landis of Urban Youth Collaborative (UYC), a local ministry supporting student-led clubs, attorney Dean Broyles of the National Center for Law & Policy (NCLP), and courageous student leaders. This case will be discussed in the context of the broader threats to religious freedom faced by Christians in America today.

Please plan join us this Monday at 7 PM and bring your friends.

Our goal is to help our students, and we will equip you with practical action steps to do just that!



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